United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was a female edition of my brother Fred; not quite so prone to tricks and mischief, perhaps but almost as wild and unmanageable. Now and then Fred would come down in the morning pale, sick, and subdued-looking; his head tightly bound with a handkerchief, and his whole countenance expressive of suffering.

She says all this in a scattered and disconnected style, jumping from one point to another, turning occasionally to her friend for support or confirmation. This friend is a meek, subdued-looking person of uncertain age, somewhat washed-out and bedraggled in appearance.

"Well, child, I don't know that you ought to hear old scandals. But you are too wise to let them harm you. Brand, the father of these two young fellows, married a barmaid, the daughter of a low publican in the neighborhood." "What! The Mrs. Brand that I saw to-day? She a barmaid that quiet, pale, subdued-looking woman?" "She has had trouble enough to make her look subdued, poor soul!

Mr. Hamilton followed me silently out, and on the threshold we encountered Susan Locke. She was a thin, subdued-looking woman, dressed in rusty black, with a careworn, depressed expression that changed into pleasure at the sight of Mr. Hamilton. 'Oh, doctor, this is good of you, surely, and you so busy!

Such a crushed, dull-eyed, subdued-looking eight they were as they tumbled out on the Curlewis platform when five o'clock came. Judy coughed at the wet, early, air, and was hurried into the waiting-room and wrapped in a rug.

He arrived in due course: a stop-gap from an obscure down-country station; a man of hide-bound conventionalism, who brought with him three children and a washed-out, subdued-looking wife, and who spoke magnanimously of Norton as "a clever fellow, of course, but deplorably casual officially." With such haphazard shifting of pawns on the chess-board is the momentous game of Empire played.

It was a clarence, with dark subdued-looking panels, only ornamented by a vermilion crest. The liveries of the servants were almost the simplest upon the course; but the powdered heads of the men, and an indescribable something in their style, distinguished them from the country-bred coachmen and hobbledehoy pages in attendance on the other carriages.

An hour or two later a pale, subdued-looking girl came out of the bedroom and sat down by her mother. "Well," said Mrs. Howland, "he is very pleasant and cheerful, isn't he?" "Mother, he is horrible!" "Maggie, you have no right to say those things to me. I want a good husband to take care of me. I am very lonely, and no one appreciates me." "Oh mother!" said poor Maggie "my father!"