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His ears were cocked like two stiff v-shaped funnels. Now he looked like an older dog. It was more reasonable to suppose, Donaldson realized, that Barstow had two dogs of this same breed than that a dead dog had come to life. "Sandy!" he called sharply. The dog wagged his stub-tail with vigor. "Spike!" he called again. The tail wagged on with undiminished enthusiasm.

"But," he continued, warming up, "when I think of the Indian powwow we had in this very spot six months ago, and what a mean bloat I was, going to the stub-tail dogs with my hat over my eyes, and what a hard lot we were all round, livin' on nothing but argee whiskey, and rampin' off on benders, instead of makin' good iron, and how the Works was flat broke, and how Dunderbunk was full of women crying over their husbands and mothers ashamed of their sons, boys, when I think how things was, and see how they are, and look at Mr.

The farmer scanned her with more than a merely suspicious eye, so that the lookers-on grew anxious, and the sub-officer with him, and who thought of his own plate of beef, hastened to say: "Well, you don't see anything here anywheres like your beastie, do you, old father?" "I dunno. Thar suttinly is one cow the pictur' of mine but my Lilywhite was a stump had a stub-tail, you know!"