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And the landlord of the George and Dragon every now and then strutted in, and sat down in the high-backed wooden arm-chair, according to the old-fashioned republican ways of the place, and took his share in the talk gravely, and was heartily welcome. "And so Sir Bale is coming home at last," said the Doctor. "Tell us any more you heard since."

Should we have risked our precious lives up in that attic and then turned down this important clue? Indeed I'm all for asking Shirley to introduce me," and Dozia strutted off to show her height if not to display the "runs" in her hose and the "threadbares" in her sweater elbows. "But it does sort of take one down," mused Jane, following her companion toward Warburton Hall.

He followed the Himalaya-Thibet road, the little ten-foot track that is blasted out of solid rock, or strutted out on timbers over gulfs a thousand feet deep; that dips into warm, wet, shut-in valleys, and climbs out across bare, grassy hill-shoulders where the sun strikes like a burning-glass; or turns through dripping, dark forests where the tree-ferns dress the trunks from head to heel, and the pheasant calls to his mate.

'I'll give it to him; I'll teach him that I'm not to be trodden on, she said to herself as she strutted manfully towards the stage-door, walking on her heels so as to avoid any unsteadiness of gait. The man in the little box was old and feeble.

Yussuf rode up on the beast, which was not half as large as himself, and stopped at the shop, where the confectioner was superintending his work-people. "I am Yussuf, and my trust is in God," said Yussuf, looking at the confectioner. The confectioner heeded him not, when Yussuf strutted into the shop.

A platform was erected on the outside, on which were placed the musicians, and where we all occasionally made our appearance in our splendid dresses to attract the wonder of the people. There we strutted up and down, all but poor little Fleta, who appeared to shrink at the display, from intuitive modesty.

Far off, at a respectful distance, a carol of rough, humorous voices sang the song, "Happily Married"! "H-a-double-p-y," etc. And we knew that my bluff had worked. The next day we went through a let-down. Hildreth was quite nerve-shaken, and so was Darrie. But I strutted about with my chest out, the cock of the walk.

The sun had not yet touched the outstretched arms of the prickly pear upon the kopje, and the early cocks and hens still strutted about stiffly after the night's roost, when Waldo stood before the wagon-house saddling the grey mare. Every now and then he glanced up at the old familiar objects: they had a new aspect that morning.

Round Two evoked audible evidence of friendly feeling towards the dragon. The spectators were not slow to appreciate a combatant who could hold his own so well and clearly wanted to show good sport; and many encouraging remarks reached the ears of our friend as he strutted to and fro, his chest thrust out and his tail in the air, hugely enjoying his new popularity. St.

In front of him strutted the fat red-vested town clerk, one hand upon his hip, the other extended and bearing his wand of office, looking pompously to right and left, and occasionally bowing as though the plaudits were entirely on his own behalf.