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Beat the four yolks and a cup of sugar until light; stir in half cup of sweet milk, pour slowly into the boiling milk, stirring briskly all the while; continue stirring and let it remain on the fire long enough to thicken, taking care that it never boils or it will be unfit for use; flavor to suit the taste.

Everybody in our ward of the city was in a great stir about a certain election, and I thought I might as well begin with that as anything. How do you think the vote is likely to go tomorrow? I said. It isn't to-morrow, he answered, it 's next month. Next month! said I. Why, what election do you mean?

One pint of milk, the juice of six oranges and the rind of three, eight eggs, half a cupful of butter, half a cupful of granulated sugar, one tablespoonful of ground rice, paste to line the pudding-dish. Mix the ground rice with a little of the cold milk. Put the remainder of the milk in the double boiler, and when it boils stir in the mixed rice.

She would not be taken into court. The magistrates and the people might come to her, but she would not go before them. When the morning came she said that she was ill, and refused to leave her bed. Policemen, she knew, were in the house early. At about nine Mrs. Carbuncle and Lucinda were up and in her room. The excitement of the affair had taken them from their beds, but she would not stir.

And she had contrived, after four years, in some mysterious way to stir up that ambition once more; to make him uncomfortable; to compel him to ask himself whether he were not sliding downhill; to wonder whether living at Quicksands might not bring him in touch with important interests which had as yet eluded him.

But Björnson, with less originality, was the typical patriot in literature, and what he said, and thought, and wrote was calculated to stir the local conscience to the depths of its being.

As the curtain dropped back into its place the doctor took a cushion, and carefully raising the splinted and bandaged arm placed the soft pillow beneath. "Now," he said, "lie still and close your eyes. Don't stir while these men are here. I need not tell you to try and look bad, for Nature is helping you there, my dear old fellow.

"Sam Ellersly," Langdon presently remarked, "tells me he's campaigning hard for you at the Travelers. I hope you'll make it. We're rather a slow crowd; a few men like you might stir things up." I am always more than willing to give others credit for good sense and good motives.

De Beauxchamps tried the engines and found that they had no effect in moving the Jules Verne. He tried again and again by reversing to disengage the vessel, but it would not stir. Then they debated the only other means of escape.

This word is not to stir God to mercy but rather to arouse wrath and woodness. Ye have set a time of mercy doing by God, and in your doom ye have ordained a day to him.