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I'm all stinged up, and I want my supper; and my feet ache, and I'm cold, and everything is so horrid!" wailed the poor child lying on the grass, such a miserable little wet bunch that the sternest parent would have melted at the sight. "Don't cry so, Babby; I was real cross, and I'm sorry.

"We sin the nedders come away from him. Stinged to death." "Nay, he's not bitten," cried Joey. "Here's his little pistol. Why, he's one o' they chaps as blows brass things in the band." As he spoke, the man took the rusty pistol from the tight fingers which clutched it, and then uttered a cry. "What's the matter?"

"My foot took it into its head to slip " Bruno began. "A foot hasn't got a head!" Sylvie put in, but all in vain. "I slipted down the bank. And I tripted over a stone. And the stone hurted my foot! And I trod on a Bee. And the Bee stinged my finger!" Poor Bruno sobbed again. The complete list of woes was too much for his feelings.

The Weasels had, it seems, certain sworn friends, for birds of a feather flock together, and these were not far to seek, as they were the Thorns, Burrs, and Briers of all kinds, Hornets and other winged and stinged insects, besides the Ants. And they were, moreover, intimate with all the sharp-edged Flints in the land, which was a goodly company.

I'm all stinged up, and I want my supper; and my feet ache, and I'm cold, and every thing is so horrid!" wailed the poor child lying on the grass, such a miserable little wet bunch that the sternest parent would have melted at the sight. "Don't cry so, Babby; I was real cross, and I'm sorry.

After I had washed the dishes and staked the horses on new grass, I crossed the shallow river and made my way slowly through the cedar-brakes up to the top of the hill shaped like a pack-saddle. It was a wonderful June day. Never in my life had I seen so many birds, so many butter-flies, dragon-flies, grasshoppers, and such winged and stinged beasts of the air and fields.