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Whenever he thought that Catrina's hatred needed stimulation he mentioned Etta's name. "There are other questions in my mind," he went on, "some of which you can answer, mademoiselle, if you care to." Catrina's face expressed no great willingness to oblige. "The Charity League," said De Chauxville, looking at her keenly; "I have always had a feeling of curiosity respecting it.

It is true that if the child is not to be over-stimulated upon the psychical side, we must see to it that his play, for the most part, is not dependent upon the participation of grown-up persons. In practice this excessive stimulation is the common fault with which we meet.

The effects of opium are thus described by another writer: "Opium, in those who are capable of stimulation by it, gives rise to a pleasurable feeling, something like that which is produced by wine in not excessive doses; but the excitement derived from it, instead of tending to some highest point, remains stationary for hours, and in place of the slight incoherence of thought always present in those who are exhilarated with wine, the most perfect harmony is established among all the conceptions.

It is one of the most common caprices of human nature, for the heart to become by habit, not only totally insensible to certain forms of cruelty, which at first gave it inexpressible pain, but even to find its chief amusement in such cruelties, till utterly intoxicated by their stimulation; while at the same time the mind seems to be pained as keenly as ever, at forms of cruelty to which it has not become accustomed, thus retaining apparently the same general susceptibilities.

The General will be interested. I'd say this one's a Yankee deserter." He studied Jas'. The young man in the blue jacket spat, and one of the scouts hooked his fingers in the other's collar, jerking him roughly to his feet. "Mount and start back with them!" Traggart ordered. "How's the boy, suh?" Boyd had wilted back into his blankets when the stimulation of the fight was gone.

Even when the chief part of the decision rests with masculine force courtship is still not necessarily or usually excluded, for the exhibition of force by a lover, and this is true for civilised as well as for savage women, is itself a source of pleasurable stimulation, and when that is so the essence of courtship may be attained even more successfully by the forceful than by the humble lover.

The obvious explanation from the Lamarckian point of view, and in my opinion the true one, is that they owed their origin at the beginning to the same stimulation which is applied to them now in every female mammal that bears young.

But the degree of development of a structure whose presence is due to gametic factors may very probably be modified by external stimulation, and the modification may become hereditary. If the views here advocated are true, the two processes mutation and modification must be always acting together and affecting the development not only of the individual but of any organ or structure.

This time, he arose and left, ordered the driver to bring him back to the Sceaux station, and returned with his trunks, packages, valises, rugs, umbrellas and canes, to Fontenay, feeling the physical stimulation and the moral fatigue of a man coming back to his home after a long and dangerous voyage.

His belief that the initial stages are due to fatigue of nervous centres, usually from excessive stimulation, has not been supplanted, though supplemented by notions growing out of the new knowledge as to subconscious mentality in general, and the inhibitory influence of one centre over another in the central nervous mechanism.