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A military expedition against two revolted and slave-raiding emirs, holding strong positions on the great river; a few officers borrowed from home to stiffen a local militia; hot fighting against great odds; half a million of men released from a reign of hell; tyranny broken, and the British pax extended over regions a third as large as India smiling prosperity within its pale, bestial devastation and cruelty without these things she knew, or had been able to imagine from the newspapers.

She had decided to dislike him long before she saw him. What Phyl really wanted now was perhaps a commonsense female relative to stiffen her mind against fancies and give her a clear-sighted view of the world, but she had none.

Postmaster Pratt appeared certain of better than a hundred, and so did the opposing party. One or the other of them was certain to win as matters lay, and Marvin's case seemed hopeless. Marvin conceived it so and was for withdrawing, but Scattergood saw to it that he did not withdraw. "Keep your votes together," he said. "Stiffen 'em." It was his first direct order.

Who is that with her? Celia!" she called. "Celia!" Then suddenly her voice faltered, the hand that held the lorgnette shook, her face seemed to stiffen and, in a low voice, she said to Reggie, who had pulled up Turk, "Drive on! Drive on quickly!" "Certainly," said Reggie, who had raised his hat to the pair, and was regarding them with a benedictory smile. "But what's the matter?"

Under the star-roof in the chill, breaking day Ned Bannister talked to him long and gently. It was easy to bring the boy to tears, but it was harder thing to stiffen a will that was of putty and to hearten a soul in mortal fear.

"Of those up there," observed the halberdier from Haarlem under his breath, "a man would most willingly stiffen his back for Quijada." "Except their Majesties, of course," added the Catalonian with dignity. "Of course," the other repeated. "Besides, the Emperor Charles himself bestows every honour on Don Luis. I was in Algiers at the time.

Then we'll see whether there is anything in these yarns." "But if we take water before we need it, we simply stiffen their hand," Sleeman objected. "We give them legitimate grounds to kick." "They'll kick, anyway," said Carrol. "We need water to grow grass if anybody should ask you. The sooner we take it the sooner we shall be able to acquire these ranches.

"This; that in a few minutes, let us say ten, since that number has been used, the body has not had time to cool, nor have the blood-vessels had sufficient opportunity to stiffen so as to prevent the free effusion of blood." "Is a body still warm at ten minutes after death?" "It is." "So that your conclusions are logical deductions from well-known facts?" "Certainly, sir."

Whatever member his attention is turned to, the muscles of that part contract involuntarily. Photographers sometimes have to contend with this form of involuntary action on the part of their sitters. When the hands are to be posed the arms stiffen; so also do the legs, the shoulders, and the neck, each when its turn comes to receive attention.

The Nellies and Susies pervaded his mind, and he struggled with the presentiment that in a day or two he would recall some omitted and wretchedly important child. Quick hoof-beats made him look up, and Mr. McLean passed like a wind. The Governor absently watched him go, and saw the pony hunch and stiffen in the check of his speed when Lin overtook his companions.