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But it had an excess of one quality it was sticky. It was the stickiest tar Penrod had ever used for any purposes whatsoever, and nothing upon which he wiped his hands served to rid them of it; neither his polka-dotted shirt waist nor his knickerbockers; neither the fence, nor even Duke, who came unthinkingly wagging out to greet him, and retired wiser. Nevertheless, tar is tar.

The term adobe does not mean any particular kind of soil. It is applied locally to clay and clay-loam soils indiscriminately. It generally signifies the heaviest, stickiest, crackingest soil in the vicinity. Most plants will grow well on heavy soils if they are kept from getting too dry and too full of water.

They don't believe it because they don't know it. They've never tried to know it. To Toronto the district of Algoma is a howling wilderness where there's good fishing and shooting. You may call Canadians pioneers, but some of them are the stickiest lot imaginable. I'm an American, but I have more faith in their country than they have." "Just what do you propose to do?"

"I'll join you this evening in a suit of yellow oilskins, the stickiest kind, and a blue fisherman's jersey, and a pair of sea-boots. I'll have " "You will," said McMunn, "and you'll look like a play actor. It's just what I'm complaining of." The McMunn Brothers lay, with steam up, at a single anchor a mile below the Hamburg quays. The yellow, turbid waters of the Elbe swept past her sides.

Still, there are times in case of straight-away river paddling, or open walking, or lengthened waiting when the net is a great comfort. And it is easily included in the pack. Next in order come the various "dopes." And they are various. From the stickiest, blackest pastes to the silkiest, suavest oils they range, through the grades of essence, salve, and cream.

"Poor Snoop!" wailed Flossie. "We must help her!" Nan said. The whole family hurried to the parlor. There, in the light from the hall, they saw the cat. Snoop was indeed in trouble. She stood near the parlor door, all four feet held fast in the sticky varnish, which, when half dry, is stickier than the stickiest kind of fly-paper.

"But take it from us that on Sunday your men will be too busy parading for other purposes than for Divine Service. Strictly on the Q.T., of course." The same day at the Bombing School Monty found but one subject of conversation. "It'll be the stickiest thing we've had for some time, as ourselves, the Scotties, and the French are all involved in it.

"Ravenouillet His name is Ravenouillet," said Bixiou turning to Gazonal. "Have you our notebook of bills due with you?" Ravenouillet pulled out of his pocket the greasiest and stickiest book that Gazonal's eyes had ever beheld. "Write down at three months' sight two notes of five hundred francs each, which you will proceed to sign."

"For all the world like a pan of fudge!" declared Jean. Giusippe laughed. "I guess you would find it the stickiest, heaviest fudge you ever tried to manage," said he. The instant the mass of soft metal was on the table a roller of cast-iron was passed very swiftly back and forth over it, spreading it to uniform thickness, and at the same time flattening it.