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She figured that at the end of ten or fifteen years.... "I hate them," said Maxine, washing dishes in the kitchen. "Greedy pigs." "They're nothing of the kind. They like good food, and I'm thankful they do. If they didn't I don't know where I'd be." "We might be anywhere so long as it could be away from here. Dull, stupid, stick-in-the-muds, all of them."

There's two water companies in Oakland now, fighting like cats and dogs and both about broke. What a metropolis needs is a good water system. They can't give it. They're stick-in-the-muds. I'll gobble them up and deliver the right article to the city. There's money there, too money everywhere. Everything works in with everything else. Each improvement makes the value of everything else pump up.

"That will not take you far! There are hundreds and hundreds of stick-in-the-muds at that job!" "What do you want me to do, then?" asked Butler. His plump acquaintance put a hand on his shoulder. "There is only one career in the world the theatre!... There is only one profession worth following, that of artiste!... See how I have succeeded!

You know that when a fellow gets so he can shave himself without cutting half his lip off, when it takes him half an hour to get the part in his hair to suit him, when he gets in the way of shining his shoes and has a pretty taste in neckties, he doesn't want to bawl the air of a piece like the old stick-in-the-muds up in the Amen corner or in Mr. Parker's class. He wants to sing bass.

No stick-in-the-muds need apply!" Uplifters and governments do not deal a more telling blow at the demon rum than do want "ads." There is no longer any job for the drinker. "Bartender wanted. In a very low place. Must be strict teetotaler!" The student of the help-wanted columns will come to regard it as a very great mystery who floats all our "public-houses."

And yet every move you make is governed by Chance the Blind Madonna of the Pagan, as that great adventurer, Stevenson, called it. You never stop to consider that it is only by chance that you leave home and arrive at the office alive millions and millions of you poor old stick-in-the-muds!

Friend, with a little, puzzled wrinkling of the brow. "Ripping! Done splendid war work and all that. But the older generation, now that things have begun again, are jolly well up a tree how to fit the new to the old. I have some elderly relations at Oxbridge a nice old professor and his wife. Not stick-in-the-muds at all.

And then the whole business had been somewhat irregular; and 'the powers that be' have a way of taking all the kudos, if experiments are successful; and making a what-on-earth-were-you-dreaming-of row, if they chance to be a failure. Hence the fact that we are all such stick-in-the-muds, in the service. Nobody dares be original. The risks are too great, and too astonishingly unequal.

"I thought he was editing some paper in New York." "'Lupie has guessed correctly. It's evident that you don't keep up. We're just the same old stick-in-the-muds. 'Lupie, how did you guess? I'll wager you never see a New York newspaper yourself." "Not I. But one does hear a little Eastern news now and again.

Alibi. *Habakkuk. *Honest Man. Sigh of the Bulbul. *Panjorum Bucket. #Halverson, Delbert M.# Born on a farm near Linn Grove, Ia. Educated at the State University of Iowa. First story: "Leaves in the Wind," Midland, April, 1920. Lives in Minneapolis, Minn. Leaves in the Wind. *Judgment of Vulcan. *Stick-in-the-Muds. #Hunting, Ema S.# Born at Sioux Rapids, Iowa, Oct. 8, 1885.