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Steyle noticed Lora's vacant regard when he addressed her and insisted on getting her away from the dangerous undertow of this "table d'hôte music," as he contemptuously called it. He summoned the waiter. Lora shed her disappointment. "Oh, let's wait for the cymbalom solo," she frankly begged. Her aunt was unmoved. "Yes, Mr. Steyle, we had better go; the air is positively depressing.

Below, the two men anxiously awaited the message from the dead. And they saw again upon the marble tablet above the fireplace her cryptic wisdom: "My first and forever message is one and eternal." For the Great God Pan is alive again. The handsome Hungarian kept his brilliant glance fixed upon Lora Crowne; she sat with her Aunt Lucas and Mr. Steyle at a table facing the orchestra.

And the agility of the cymbalom player, his great height, clear skin, and piercing eyes, quite enthralled her. "It is the gypsy dulcimer, Lora; I read all about it in Liszt's book on gypsy music," said Aunt Lucas, in an airy soprano. Mr. Steyle was impressed.

Steyle poor, sentimental Clarence, who melted with sighs if she but glanced at him; and then, Clarence was too stout. She adored slender men, believing that when fat came in at the door love fled out of the window. "They put me in a circus at Buda-Pesth," remarked Aŕpad Vihary, as if he were making a commonplace statement about the weather.

Never you mind, daddy. It wur guv to me. James. That's what they allus says, sir. You come along. I'd be obliged to you, sir, if you would come too, and say you saw him. Tho. Nay! aw connot say aw seigh him steyle it. James. You saw it in his hand. Tho. Yigh! aw did. Bill. It wis guv to me, I tell ye. James. Honest boy, this one! Looks like it, don't he, sir?

It was after eleven o'clock, and through the swinging doors passed a throng of motley people, fanning, gossiping, bickering all eager and thirsty. Clarence Steyle pointed out the celebrities with conscious delight. Over yonder that man with the mixed gray hair was a composer who came every night for inspiration, musical and otherwise, Clarence added, with a laugh.