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He often even makes the experiment before his friends at his summer-house at Guillaume Wood. Would anyone believe that a simple sternutation could produce such ravages on a quadrupedal organism? It is extremely curious, is it not?" "Yes," said Charles, who was not listening to him.

This information was received from one of the oldest inhabitants, a native himself, and exceedingly fond of missionaries. He is said also to be very skilful in the cuisine peculiar to the island. "During the season of gathering the pepper, the persons employed are subject to various incommodities, the chief of which is violent and long-continued sternutation or sneezing.

On passing Gerald Cavanagh's kiln, where the Hogans kennel, I entered, and was greeted wid such a chorus of sternutation as you might expect from a pigsty in midsummer, and made me envy the unlicked young savages who indulged in it. At the period spoken of neither you nor they had come in from the kemp.

This information was received from one of the oldest inhabitants, a native himself, and exceedingly fond of missionaries. He is said also to be very skilful in the CUISINE peculiar to the island. "During the season of gathering the pepper, the persons employed are subject to various incommodities, the chief of which is violent and long-continued sternutation, or sneezing.

Why, the very devil himself, the author of the evil, shall be convinced that there is much peril in the transposition of ends. I will ask him "What is a sternutation?" He shall answer learnedly by the card "A sneeze," the nose or stem being the organ. Then he shall ask Jem Sparkle "What is a sternutation?"

At the sound of that meek sternutation Jim whirled about. "Lou!" "Jim! Oh, Jim! You're not killed!" A muddy, bedraggled little figure that once had been pink and white flew straight to him, and two soft arms swept about him and clung convulsively. "I seen it comin', an' an' I tried to shove you out of the way " "Thank God, little girl! Thank God you aren't hurt!" he murmured brokenly.

'A thing merely to be sneezed at, a voice like that of Taggart added; and then I seemed to hear a sternutation, as I probably did, for, recovering from a kind of swoon, I found myself shivering with cold. The next day I brought my work to a conclusion.

Meantime the symptoms which attended my case for the first six weeks of the experiment were these enormous irritability and excitement of the whole system the stomach, in particular, restored to a full feeling of vitality and sensibility, but often in great pain; unceasing restlessness night and day; sleep I scarcely knew what it was three hours out of the twenty-four was the utmost I had, and that so agitated and shallow that I heard every sound that was near me; lower jaw constantly swelling; mouth ulcerated; and many other distressing symptoms that would be tedious to repeat, among which, however, I must mention one because it had never failed to accompany any attempt to renounce opium, viz., violent sternutation.

"Was that an echo?" said the Baronet, astonished at the sternutation which resounded from above; "or" drawing close to the adept, "can it be the spirit you talked of, ridiculing our attempt upon his hidden treasures?" "N n no," muttered the German, who began to partake of his pupil's terrors, "I hope not."

"And not only," the chemist went on, "are human beings subject to such anomalies, but animals also. He often even makes the experiment before his friends at his summer-house at Guillaume Wood. Would any one believe that a simple sternutation could produce such ravages on a quadrupedal organism? It is extremely curious, is it not?" "Yes," said Charles, who was not listening to him.