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Her husband too, now suffered from premature ejaculation. Thus from the point of view both of "passion" and of "love" the patient was not satisfied. Her attacks increased in number and violence, coming now at any time, not being confined to the menstrual period as at first, and coming days as well as nights. In this patient we have represented the points of view both of Stekel and of Clark.

It is interesting also to compare this case in its results with the contentions of Clark and of Stekel. It is hard to see any signs of a definite criminal tendency. Inasmuch as the temptation to go back to his early love is a sign of a tendency towards regression and erotism generally the patient shows what Clark has spoken of as a desire to return to the mother-body.

This case is not very important, however, to the views of either Clark or Stekel as the analysis is relatively superficial, and there is no knowing what a more thorough analysis might reveal. From the point of view of superficiality, however, the case is important as it emphasizes Taylor's view of the value of a modified analysis. The patient was seen only five times.

Not to be able to catch up with a wagon is interpreted by Stekel as regret not to be able to come up to a difference in age. Baggage with which one travels is the burden of sin by which one is oppressed.

This is an important contribution to our knowledge of the psychic state of epileptics but it is notable that not a word is said as to therapy. Sadger published the same year, "Ein Fall von Pseudoepilepsia hysterica psychoanalytisch erklart." Dr. Wilhelm Stekel, however, treats the problem from the therapeutic point of view in, "Die psychische Behandlung der Epilepsie."

In a recently published book by W. Stekel, Die Sprache des Traumes, which I was unable to utilize, there is a list of the most common sexual symbols, the object of which is to prove that all sexual symbols can be bisexually used. To be sure the clause in parentheses takes away much of the absoluteness of this assertion, for this is not at all permitted by the phantasy.

The "little one" has been noted as a symbol for the male or the female genitals by Stekel, who can refer in this connection to a very widespread usage of language. The deeper interpretation of this dream depends upon another dream of the same night in which the dreamer identifies herself with her brother. She was a "tomboy," and was always being told that she should have been born a boy.

The father goes on little mountain expeditions. Does the child wish that the father may fall? The father treats the child badly and occasionally strikes her unjustly. At all events it is to be noted that the little puss says to her mother, ‘Mamma, isn’t it true that when Papa dies you will marry Dr. Stekel?’ Another time she chattered, ‘You know, Mamma, Dr.

It is resorted to by the individual for very definite, intimate, personal reasons. It is due to unconscious, repressed hidden complexes which crowd or press between the words of syllables, as Stekel puts it, and which produce the inner resistance which inhibit the free flow of speech. It is asserted that these hidden, repressed, unconscious thoughts are related to the sexual impulse or wish. Dr.

The whole field of hysteria, and perhaps still more that of the anxiety neurosis, has come into new perspective through this pioneer work which men like Bleuler, Jung, and Stekel have developed in various directions.