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Redgrave addressed himself to Miss Steinfeld as often as to Alma, and showed a graceful command of decorous commonplace. He had arrived early this morning, had put up at the Oesterreichischer Hof, was already delighted with Brogenz. Did Miss Steinfeld devote herself to landscape? Had she done anything here? Had Miss Frothingham brought her violin?

In the company of Miss Steinfeld? I'm afraid that won't carry you very far. Experience means emotion; certainly, for a woman. Believe me, you haven't begun to live yet. You may practise on your violin day and night, and it won't profit you until you have lived. Alma was growing serious. These phrases harmonised well enough with her own insubstantial thoughts and idly-gathered notions.

'Ten thousand! Lieber Himmel! And married? 'No. 'In Parliament, I suppose? 'No. 'Then, what does he do? 'Oh, amuses himself. Each became occupied with her thoughts. Alma's were so agreeable, that Miss Steinfeld, observing her, naturally fell into romantic speculation. Redgrave easily contrived that his next walk should be with Miss Frothingham alone.

Redgrave has gone he called to say goodbye. 'So? Irritated by self-consciousness, revolting against a misinterpretation which would injure her vanity, though it was not likely to aim at her honour, Alma had recourse to fiction. 'I daresay you guess? Yes, and I refused. Miss Steinfeld was puzzled.

I found it with his arms in another piece of glass at Lord D 's, and he drafted it bodily into his cipher, though it doesn't quite fit in point of grammar. 'Well, what would any human being have been tempted to do, my dear Gregory, in my place? Could he have helped setting off, as I did, to Steinfeld, and tracing the secret literally to the fountain-head? I don't believe he could.

Miss Steinfeld, eager at first to talk English, was relapsing into her native tongue, and as Alma lazily avoided German, they conversed in different languages, each with a sprinkling of foreign phrase.

There was climbing of mountains, the Pfander with its reward of noble outlook, and the easier Gebhardsberg, with its hanging woods; there was boating on the lake, and rambling along its shores, with rest and refreshment at some Gartenwithschaft. Miss Steinfeld, whose reading and intelligence were superior to Alma's, liked to explore the Roman ruins and linger in the museum.

It is enough for me to say that a train to town was caught in the course of the day, and that Mr Gregory was able to secure a cabin in the Antwerp boat and a place in the Coblenz train. Nor was it difficult to manage the transit from that centre to Steinfeld.

Charming place, and so entirely off the beaten track. Isn't there a fascination in the thought of living near Antioch? Well away from bores and philistines. No Mrs. Grundy with her clinking tea-cups. I dare say the house is still to be had. Oh, do tell me something about your friend, Fraulein Steinfeld. Is she in earnest? Will she do anything? His eloquence was at an end.

'Now, I knew what the three first letters I wanted were namely, rio to complete the word atrio; and, as you will see, these are all to be found in the first five letters. I was a little confused at first by the occurrence of two i's, but very soon I saw that every alternate letter must be taken in the remainder of the inscription. You can work it out for yourself; the result, continuing where the first "round" left off, thus: rio domus abbatialis de Steinfeld a me, Thoma, qui posui custodem super ea. Gare