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A man was coming aft from the entrance to the main companionway, impatience in his stride a tall man, of good carriage, muffled almost to the heels in a heavy ulster, a steamer-cap well forward over his eyes. But the light was poor, the pale shine of the aged moon blending trickily with the swaying shadows; Lanyard was unable to place him among the passengers.

Forrest's steamer-cap, bumped off in the collision, rode helplessly astern on the crest of the hissing wave. "But I couldn't swim like your cap. Do take my Tam," she cried, tearing off her knitted head-gear and letting her soft, fair curls whip out into so many briny strings. "I'll use this," he shouted, turning up the capote of his ulster, while the cape thrashed furiously in the wind.

"You couldn't stand there," he said, briefly, "and would be drenched if you could. Best stay here." And stay they did until breakfast, by which time she had told him a great deal about herself and learned next to nothing about him. "Remember," she said, "you are to give me your address, and I'm to send you a new steamer-cap to replace the one I knocked overboard."

Pudfut, the Englishman, first in from Norway, where he had been sketching on board some lord's yacht he of the grizzly brown beard, brown ulster reaching to his toes, gray-checked steamer-cap and brierwood pipe an outfit which he never changed "slept in them," Marny insisted. "Me name's Pudfut," he began, holding out his hand to Marny. "I've got a letter in my clothes for ye from a chap in Paris."

Better still, don't come until I ring!" When the steward had left him, Jimmie pinned the two letters upon the pillow, changed the steamer-cap for an Alpine hat, and beneath a rain-coat concealed his evening clothes. He had purposely selected the deck cabin farthest aft.

He caught up the flat woolen steamer-cap which Clementina had left in her seat beside Mrs. Milray when she rose to dance, and held it aloft. Some one called out, "Chorus! For he's a jolly good fellow," and led off in his praise. Lord Lioncourt shouted through the uproar the announcement that while Miss Claxon was taking up the collection, Mr.

She took out of her bag a steamer-cap, and when she had put it on I could see that poor Harshaw dared not trust himself to look at her, her fair face exposed, and so very fair, in its tender, soft coloring, against that grim, wind-beaten waste of dust and sage.

"Really, Cary," said she, as they neared Southampton, "you must go and get his address and the size of the steamer-cap." But Cary was the type of the traditional younger brother, a spoiled one at that, and Cary wouldn't. It was Mr. Hubbard who went on the mission and came back with the man. "Pray don't think of getting me a cap," said Mr. Forrest, bowing and smiling rather gravely.