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"She fetched out a steak and served Butch as if he'd been a king and then sat down beside him and started kiddin' him along, with all the gang of us sittin' or standin' around and laughin' fit to bust, but not loud for fear Butch would get annoyed. "Then two things come in together and spoiled the prettiest little party that was ever started in Eldara.

But small men must sit with pencil poised, apparently intensely interested, and listen through until the patient has exhausted his long-winded recollections of all his ills. Contrary to his usual custom, Sir Bernard did not now return to Hove each evening, but remained at Harley Street dining alone off a chop or a steak, and going out afterwards, probably to his club.

We haven't far to go to reach the open country, and then we'll head for the fort, unless we conclude to hunt for the folks before reaching there. In the meantime, Tim, I'm hungry enough to eat my shoes." "I'm wid ye there." "We shall have to wait here long enough to cook a steak from that bear. He seems to be in fine condition, and will give us a good meal."

Presently Lightfoot raised her eyes and they met those of Ab. The young people looked at each other steadily for a moment and then the glance of the girl was turned away. But, meanwhile, the man had recovered himself. He had been eating, absent-mindedly, a well-cooked portion of a great steak of the mammoth's choicest part. He now tore it in twain and watched the girl intently.

Daisy proudly showed her kitchen, and rashly promised Uncle Fritz as many flapjacks as he could eat. She was just telling about the new rewards when the boys, headed by Demi, burst into the room snuffing the air like a pack of hungry hounds, for school was out, dinner was not ready, and the fragrance of Daisy's steak led them straight to the spot.

For alas, Marilla had stooped to the evil habit of bribing people to be good! "I won't be bad on purpose, but s'posen I'm bad zacksidentally?" Davy wanted to know. "You'll have to guard against accidents," admonished Marilla. "Anne, if Mr. Shearer comes today get a nice roast and some steak. If he doesn't you'll have to kill a fowl for dinner tomorrow." Anne nodded.

I guess I'll take some grape-fruit, too; and let me see I guess that'll do to start on Wait! What's that those folks are eatin' over there? Looks good spring chicken humm! I guess you'd like that better'n steak, ma? Yes. She'd rather have the chicken. All right, George, you hustle us in a nice meal and I'll make it all right with you. You understand." Adna called all waiters "George."

Sprawled before the fire like savages, they feasted on a huge steak, broiled on two willow sticks, and well-browned on the outside at the start so that the tenderness was retained; and for an hour forgot.

If the paper work's pilin' up, I said, 'it's because somebody isn't pulling his share. And it better not be you, I said." He chuckled and speared another cube of steak with his fork. "That settled him down. He's all right, though. Young yet, you know. Soon's he gets the hang of how the Space Force operates, he'll be O.K."

"I just wondered if the ghost would appear for a small audience, like one or two people." "Meaning us," Scotty said with resignation. "When do we try, tonight?" "Could be. Are there any picnics or meetings scheduled for tonight, Dr. Miller?" "Not that I know of. The next big affair is two days from now. The Sons of the Old Dominion have their annual steak and crab feast.