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He steadied himself against the mantel-piece. "But " he began, and ended, "is that honest?" He dimly descried her lips pouting. "We can always send her another when we have one," she said. He stood there, dumb, glad of the darkness. "I must go down now," she said. "I mustn't stay long." "Why?" he articulated. "Rosie," she replied briefly. "What about Rosie?" "She watches me ever since she came.

The blood rushed to her face, and then sank again as suddenly. She steadied herself with one hand on the chimney-piece before she answered. "What a horrible, infamous lie!" she exclaimed in low tones. "You insisted upon knowing it, Miss Carvel," said the professor quietly. "You must not blame me for telling you. After all, it was as well that you should know it." "Yes it was as well."

Cleek came up now, behind him, and with a caution of silence steadied himself upon the step below, and pressed his shoulder up against the heavy door. He pushed and shoved with all his might, while Dollops aided with every ounce of strength in his young body. The door responded not one whit. Black Whiskers had done his work well and thoroughly, possibly as an object-lesson to the absent Jenkins.

Heatherbloom obeyed; he felt very stiff and somewhat light-headed, but he steadied himself against the woodwork. The sailor drew a dipperful of hot tea from a samovar and thrust it into his hand. He drank with avidity; after which the sailor made him to understand he was to follow. The young man hesitated a new risk confronted him. To whom would he be taken? The prince?

To cross that open space was to provide targets for lances and arrows or the superior armament of the Reds. "A chance we can hit from here." Buck laid his weapon across his bent knee, steadied the long barrel of the burner, and pressed the firing button. The closed hatch of the ship shimmered, dissolved into a black hole. Behind Travis someone let out the yammer of a war whoop.

But three days afterwards there was but little uneasiness; the Stock Exchanges of the European capitals those highly sensitive barometers of coming storm were but slightly affected for the moment, and within a week had steadied themselves again.

'Stop, will you! she commanded the astonished Henderson. 'Good-bye. She nodded, jumped out, shut the door, steadied her hat, and was gone. It was so an acquaintance began that was destined to make a difference to more than one life. Those days of the summer that Miss Claxton spent indoctrinating the women of Wales, and that Mrs.

The convulsive, uncontrolled tone of the last words disclosed the precarious hold he had over himself. He was like a man defying his own dizziness in high places and tottering suddenly on the very edge of the precipice. Miss Haldin pressed her hand to her breast. The dropped black veil lay on the floor between them. Her movement steadied him.

Themistocles, Themistoclesyour promise!” Then by some giant exercise of will he steadied. His speech grew more coherent. “Give me the child,” he commanded, and Niobe mutely obeyed. He kissed Phœnix on both cheeks, mouth, forehead. They saw that tears were running down his bronzed face.

But he steadied himself and chirped to the collie to come nearer. Slowly, with queer reluctance, Chum obeyed. "Listen," mumbled Link incoherently, "I saved you from dying from a bust leg and hunger the night I fust met you, Chummie. An' tonight you squared the bill by saving me from drownin'. But I'm still a whole lot in your debt, friend.