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Heatherbloom had noticed that the yacht was provided with the wireless outfit. "How long have I been here?" he now asked abruptly. "It is three days since monsieur was knocked on the head." Mr. Heatherbloom looked down. "Three days? Well, it cost me a fortune," he sighed, remembering the rôle of detective that had been thrust upon him. "I could have stood for the sore head."

The last named, reinforced by the small amount Mr. Heatherbloom had left upon reaching the Nevski and of which the prince had not deprived him, would relieve his necessities for the moment. After that? Well, he would take up the problem presently; he had no time for it now. This day, at least, should be consecrated to Betty Dalrymple.

Heatherbloom, with a glance back toward the open space. She overlooked the significance or bitterness in his accent. "Keep to the right," she said swiftly. "Believe me or not, I'll send them to the left. It's your only chance. Otherwise they would overtake you in an hour. Among the prince's men are Cossacks trained to feats of endurance." "You would do that?" He looked at her quickly.

"Unfortunately, one has to put up with these things," he now added. "But you are positive you have told me everything?" An instant she seemed to hesitate. "I am positive you know everything relative to the subject." He arose. "In that event" his manner indicated a sudden resolution "there is one little preliminary to be attended to." "Which is " "To arrest this fellow, Heatherbloom!" "Arrest?

He looked alarmed. "Don't worry about that." "But shouldn't I?" Steady dark eyes upon him. "On the contrary!" Vigorously. "I don't understand unless. "The salary it is nothing here" Mr. Heatherbloom gestured airily. "I should do much better one of my ability, you understand! elsewhere." "Could you?" She regarded him doubtfully. "But, perhaps, they It was not very pleasant for you here, anyway.

However, you can't always tell by appearances. Now, I wonder " "What?" observed Mr. Heatherbloom, after an interval of silence. "Yes! By Jove!" Mr. Mackintosh was speaking to himself. "It might work it might add interest " Mr. Heatherbloom waited patiently. "Would you have any objections," earnestly, "to my making a little addenda to the sign on the chariot of cadence?

Both were for some time silent. At length she stirred seated herself. Mr. Heatherbloom mechanically did likewise, but at a distance from her. He tried not to see her, to become mentally oblivious of her presence, to concentrate again solely on the matter in hand. A long, long interval passed. Chug! chug! the engines continued to grind. How far away they sounded.

Heatherbloom, formally offering to put the latter up at government house, had not been delivered. Mr. Heatherbloom had failed to call for his mail. "Really, my dear, such solicitude!" murmured the governor's wife, when Miss Dalrymple came out of the hotel. "An ordinary secret-service man, too." "Oh, no; not an ordinary one," said the girl a little confusedly.

Heatherbloom had not slipped the seemingly lifeless body over the side. Now he, and she, too, were likely to pay dearly for that clemency. Bitterly he clenched his hands. Had the man caught a glimpse of him at the window? A flicker of electric light, without, shone on it. The girl started again to speak. "Hush!" He drew her back yet farther.

What, his companion laughingly suggested, would have happened if Beauty had really escaped, and he, Mr. Heatherbloom, had been forced to return to the house without her? What? Mr. Heatherbloom started. He might lose his position, n'est-cepas? He did not answer. The idea was born; why not lose Beauty? No, better still, Naughty; the prime favorite, Naughty.