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Then she filled the mustard pot, and, putting it with a certain stateliness upon a gold and black tea-tray, carried it into the parlour. She rapped and entered promptly. As she did so her visitor moved quickly, so that she got but a glimpse of a white object disappearing behind the table. It would seem he was picking something from the floor.

To look upon her was to feel the tyranny of love, love's pangs of alarm and hope and anguish; and she was dressed in a dress of white silk, threaded with gold and sapphire, showing in shadowy beams her rounded figure and the stateliness that was hers.

"Well, you'll keep on the right side of her, if you know which side your bread is buttered," she retorted. "You don't want her goin' to Sam Totten's." Totten was the other lawyer of Elliot. "I think I am quite aware of all the exigencies of the case," Daniel Tuxbury had replied, lapsing into stateliness, as he always did when his sister waxed too forcible in her advice. But when Mrs.

It is the best example there is of the pride of life, 'superbia vitae. I forget the Greek words at the moment; but a bishop whom I happen to know once told me that they mean the exultation of living. You know the sort of thing gems and glitter, colour, scent, beauty, stateliness, strength. 'The pride of heraldry, the pomp of power." I made way for Mrs.

"I was looking in the cowslip for the spots which the fairy, in the Midsummer Night's Dream, calls 'rubies. How is your brother, Miss Lingard?" Helen answered with cold politeness, and led the way up the garden with considerably more stateliness of demeanour than was necessary. When he followed her into the room, "This is Mr. Polwarth, Leopold," said the curate, rising respectfully.

Her eyes rested levelly on his; in her bearing there was something aloofly proud an undiminished stateliness, almost regal in its calm inviolability. "They know now all that I took from you. I shall not ask your forgiveness, Maurice . . . I don't expect it. I sinned for my husband and my son that is my only justification. I would do the same again."

And yet he had a slight strangeness of accent not American, but something which seemed unusual. He did not reckon with a voice which, under cover of easy deliberation, had a convincing quality; with a manner of old-fashioned courtesy and stateliness. As Mrs. Gasgoyne had said to the rector, whose eyes had followed Gaston everywhere in the drawing-room: "My dear archdeacon, where did he get it?

The making of the Court of Palms is due largely to the liberal use of these elegant trees, with their somber stateliness. The lover of outdoors will find no end to his pleasurable investigations in the many fine, luxurious groupings of flowering shrubs.

Its builders, above all its imperial builders, cared much for spectacular effects and architectural pomp. Even in late Republican times the gloomy mass of the Tabularium and the temples of the Capitol must have towered above the Forum in no mere accidental stateliness, and imperial Rome contained many buildings in many quarters to show that it was the capital of an Empire.

It had none of the elaborate grandeur of the inn nor of the simple stateliness of Hoppet Hall, but, nevertheless, it maintained the character of the town and was old, substantial, respectable, and dark. "I think it a very spirited thing of him to do, then," said Mrs. Masters. "I don't know, my dear. Perhaps it is only revenge." "What have you to do with that?