United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We believe this organisation may secure for labour and, after all, labour is the only thing the great majority of people have to sell it will secure for labour, for the first time, that free and fair market which almost all other commodities of infinitely less consequence already enjoy, and will replace the present wasteful, heartbreaking wanderings aimlessly to and fro in search of work by a scientific system; and we believe that the influence of this system in the end must tend to standardising the conditions of wages and employment throughout the country.

Just as we leave the distribution of our bodily food to the choice of the Unconscious, so we may safely leave that of our mental food, our Induced Autosuggestions. The fear that the universal use of this formula would have a standardising effect, modifying its users to a uniform pattern, is unfounded.

"I er have come down to inquire about these confounded conscientious prisoners Boche objectors you know the blighters. Question of standardising their rations, don't you know. . . . Sort of a committee affair. . . ." Vane avoided the eye of the commercial traveller, and steered rapidly for safer ground. "I was thinking of coming out to call on Mrs. Sutton to-morrow."

It is hardly necessary to add that another result of such an operation would be to prevent the Irish Government raising the very large sum necessary for improving and standardising the light railways and for extensions, except at an unremunerative rate of interest. Even if shareholders be put off with State paper, contractors will have to be paid with cash.

So we must resist any attempt, especially an early attempt, at stereotyping or standardising the type of lessee. By trial and error we shall learn much. All the following types of lessee seem likely, sooner or later, to demand the attention of the National Mining Board.

With the standardising of the machine, the days of the giants came to an end.