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The thing is set down in the history of Venice, but it might be smuggled into the Arabian Nights and not seem out of place there: Nearly four hundred and fifty years ago, a Candian named Stammato, in the suite of a prince of the house of Este, was allowed to view the riches of St. Mark's.

Crioni went at once to the palace, denounced the criminal, and handed over the carbuncle as evidence. Stammato was arrested, tried, and condemned, with the old-time Venetian promptness. He was hanged between the two great columns in the Piazza with a gilded rope, out of compliment to his love of gold, perhaps. He got no good of his booty at all it was ALL recovered.

He detected a look in his friend's face which excited his suspicion, and was about to slip a stiletto into him when Crioni saved himself by explaining that that look was only an expression of supreme and happy astonishment. Stammato made Crioni a present of one of the state's principal jewels a huge carbuncle, which afterward figured in the Ducal cap of state and the pair parted.

The thing is set down in the history of Venice, but it might be smuggled into the Arabian Nights and not seem out of place there: Nearly four hundred and fifty years ago, a Candian named Stammato, in the suite of a prince of the house of Este, was allowed to view the riches of St. Mark's.

Crioni went at once to the palace, denounced the criminal, and handed over the carbuncle as evidence. Stammato was arrested, tried, and condemned, with the old-time Venetian promptness. He was hanged between the two great columns in the Piazza with a gilded rope, out of compliment to his love of gold, perhaps. He got no good of his booty at all it was ALL recovered.

He detected a look in his friend's face which excited his suspicion, and was about to slip a stiletto into him when Crioni saved himself by explaining that that look was only an expression of supreme and happy astonishment. Stammato made Crioni a present of one of the state's principal jewels a huge carbuncle, which afterward figured in the Ducal cap of state and the pair parted.