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Then you think," I continued aloud, "that we ought sometimes to ask a Ghost to sit down? But have we any authority for it? In Shakespeare, for instance there are plenty of ghosts there does Shakespeare ever give the stage-direction 'hands chair to Ghost'?" The lady looked puzzled and thoughtful for a moment: then she almost clapped her hands. "Yes, yes, he does!" she cried.

This is the reason why most managers and stage-directors are unable to judge conclusively the merits and defects of a new play from reading it in manuscript. One of our most subtle artists in stage-direction, Mr. Henry Miller, once confessed to the present writer that he could never decide whether a prospective play was good or bad until he had seen it rehearsed by actors on a stage. Mr.

Thomas Pollard. In the right hand margin is a stage-direction, scored through, "Droms Enter ye Arminians: pass over." MS. Enter Bredero, Vandort and 2 Lords. The words in Roman letters are scored through in the MS. The brackets are mine: whoever excluded the 2 Lords left these words standing by an oversight. These weak endings without a pause are characteristic of Massinger.

I have followed the punctuation of the MS., though I am tempted to read, "What to doe? pray with me?" A stage-direction for the next scene. Sc. bravadoes. The conceit is very common.

A novel and interesting device of emphasis in stage-direction was introduced by Mr. Forbes-Robertson in his production of The Passing of the Third Floor Back. This dramatic parable by Mr.

And then Henry, massaging a stricken elbow, was aware of Miss Weaver at his side. Looking up, he caught Miss Weaver's eye. A familiar stage-direction of melodrama reads, 'Exit cautious through gap in hedge'. It was Henry's first appearance on any stage, but he did it like a veteran. 'My dear fellow, said Walter Jelliffe. The hour was midnight, and he was sitting in Henry's bedroom at the hotel.

Let any man once find a woman has a tongue in her head, and the stage-direction is always 'Enter Rumor, painted full of tongues." Pauline did not appear to have remarked his protest. "Yes, in the end you will marry her. And her money will help, just as you have contrived to make everything else help, toward making John Charteris comfortable.

Having resolutely parted from the woman he adores, but can no longer marry, he steps out upon the balcony to announce that he is a negro, that he resigns the Governorship, and that henceforth he casts in his lot with his black brethren. The stage-direction runs thus The afternoon sun strikes his figure.

It might indeed be printed as a play; whatever is not dialogue is simply a kind of amplified stage-direction, adding to the dialogue the expressive effect which might be given it by good acting.

Collier says, the Doctor gives this very reasonable explanation of Miranda's sleep only because he was not acquainted with the folio stage-direction about Prospero's coat, and knew no better. Now we are acquainted with this important addition to the text, and yet know no better than to agree with Doctor Johnson, that Miranda's slumbers were perfectly to be accounted for without the coat. Mr.