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He heard the constables giving hurried orders for the removal of the bodies, and he saw two more police officers arrive and go into the stableyard of the inn, there to take the number of the motor-car and write down the full deposition of that potentate of the pictorial press, James Brookfield.

He shifted to the side window which overlooked the stableyard, and whistled down to the dog Balthasar who lay for ever under the clock tower. The old dog looked up and wagged his tail. 'Poor old boy! thought Jolyon, shifting back to the other window.

There were some neat and cleanly looking houses on it of wood, and brick, and brown stone inhabited by small tradesmen; a few shops, a big stable and the chalet sitting on a broad, flat roof that covered a portion of the stableyard. The yard itself was the summit of Monkey Hill.

Arriving at the house, they entered it near the Watergate by a back door that led into the stableyard. It was opened by a woman whom they followed into a little room where a light burned. Here she turned and kissed two of them, Dirk first and then Foy. "Thank God that I see you safe," she said. "Whenever you go to the Meeting-place I tremble until I hear your footsteps at the door."

Thereupon, in utter fool-hardiness, backed by the groom, he undid the door a little way, and, his companion undertaking to prevent it from opening too far, pushed in the pole till it went right in the creature's face. One hideous yell and neither of them knew what was occurring till they saw the tail of the panther disappearing over the six-foot wall that separated the cages from the stableyard.

He paused when he got outside the door shook his head walked on stopped snuffed the candle shook his head again and finally proceeded slowly to his chamber, apparently buried in the profoundest meditation. In a small room in the vicinity of the stableyard, betimes in the morning, which was ushered in by Mr. Pickwick's adventure with the middle aged lady in the yellow curl-papers, sat Mr.

He shifted to the side window which overlooked the stableyard, and whistled down to the dog Balthasar who lay for ever under the clock tower. The old dog looked up and wagged his tail. 'Poor old boy! thought Jolyon, shifting back to the other window.

Then fell to thinking deeply over the subject, and was still thinking of it when the motor whizzed into the stableyard at Wilding Hall and brought him into contact for the first time with the trainer, Logan. He didn't much fancy Logan at first blush, and Logan didn't fancy him at all at any time.

Even from the stableyard on her right and from the serving-men's quarters not a sound came to mingle with the weird whisperings of the wind. Editha approached and stooping to the ground, she groped in the mud until her hands encountered two or three pebbles.

At this moment who should appear from behind the angle of some building we were talking in the stableyard, near the gun-room but Lord Ragnall himself. I could see that he had overheard the conversation, for he looked angry. "Jenkins," he said, addressing the keeper, "do what Mr. Quatermain has said and attend to your own business.