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"A quart it is," answered Dam, and O'Shaughnessy speedily divested himself of his stable-jacket, incidentally revealing the fact that he had pawned his shirt.

He paused "but provin' ut's a diff'runt matther. We must foller this up an' get some shtronger evidence yet behfure we make th' break." Suddenly he uttered a hollow chuckle. "Kilbride!" he ejaculated. "Mind his josh that day 'bout it might be me, or Gully? an how Gully laughed, tu, wid th' hand of um like this?" Napoleonic fashion he thrust his huge fist between the buttons of his stable-jacket.

'I say, Sergeant, said Polson, turning to face his conductor, 'that's a filthy bad habit. If you want to be respected, drop it. The Sergeant went as scarlet as his stable-jacket, and said that any conventional recruit had conventionally well got to respect him any conventional how. 'My dear sir, no, said Polson. 'It's quite impossible to respect a man who talks like a foul-mouthed parrot.

"A fine horse, my friend," said the Count, addressing the groom with the most engaging familiarity of manner, "You are going to drive out?" "I am not going, sir," replied the man, looking at his stable-jacket, and evidently wondering whether the foreign gentleman took it for his livery. "My master drives himself." "Aha!" said the Count, "does he indeed?

One of 'em's snagged on something below, I guess. Here! hold the rod a minute, Yorkey!" The latter complied. George unbuttoned and threw off his stable-jacket and began taking off his boots. Yorke contemplated his comrade's actions in speechless amazement. "Why, what the devil? " he began

Slowly the night dragged through for the two grim, haggard sentinels. Thrice during their vigil had their desperate quarry exercised his marksmanship upon them with his deadly Luger. Seemingly only by a miracle did they escape each time. The sergeant had his hat perforated in similar fashion to his companions. Yorke had a shoulder-strap torn from his stable-jacket.

Perhaps this was the less inappropriate in that a jail it was, to a small party of its occupants born and bred to better things. The eye was grateful even for the note of cheer supplied by the red cylindrical valise on the shelf above each cot, and by the occasional scarlet tunic and stable-jacket.

As soon as we reached the house the first object that we saw in front of it was Sir Percival's dog-cart, with the horse put to and the groom waiting by it in his stable-jacket. If these unexpected appearances were to be trusted, the examination of the house-keeper had produced important results already.