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He had not gone more than thirty or forty paces, however, when I heard him stop and swear savagely I did not need to look to learn the reason I admit I chuckled. But my merriment was short-lived, for a moment later came the feeble squeak of a horn followed by a shout and the Imp's voice upraised in dire distress. "Little-John! Little-John! to the rescue!" it called.

At this point two officers took the captains to another room, and they were locked in. An hour afterwards Mr. C came to them and said "I have managed to get him quietened down. You have had a narrow squeak. It took me a long time to get him to speak of liberating you, and now I am requested to bring you to him so that you may be severely reprimanded.

She felt sad this evening, and the tawdry character of this entertainment was contrasted in her mind with the traditions of drawing-rooms at Buckingham Palace. A cornet-player, a fiddler, and a female pianist entered, and the squeak of their instruments in process of reconstruction soon jarred upon her nerves.

"'Tis known they can speak Greek as naturally as pigs squeak;" and it is probable that no city in the world can boast so high a standard of female education as Boston: nevertheless, it must be regretted that this standard of mental excellence attributable to the ladies of Boston should not have been found capable of association with the duties of domestic life.

But in all that vast expanse there was no light save the light of the stars; in all that silent waste there was no sound save the occasional call of the coyote, the plaintive, quivering note of the ground-owls, the muffled fall of the mules' feet in the soft earth, and the dull chuck, creak, and rumble of the wagon with the clink of trace chains and the squeak of straining harness leather.

He had no idea what could have been her fate, for the poor girl had disappeared from the face of the earth, and now, at last, this day had proved to him the threats of her lover and her brothers were not idle. He had had so narrow a squeak for his life, so sharp and sudden and hard a fight for it that, now that the peril was over, his nerve began to give way, his strong hands to tremble.

"I say that I resolved to forego my dinner and to push to the head of the small valley, where I felt pretty sure of discovering the hogs. I soon found that I was on the right scent, for I had scarcely walked half-a-mile in the direction of the small plum-tree we found there the other day when a squeak fell on my ear. `Ho, ho, said I, `there you go, my boys; and I hurried up the glen.

Then I seen she was. But Jane and Henry didn't. They was all took up with each other in the middle of the room, with their backs to it. Henry is a-begging of Jane, and she turns a little more, that chair does. Will she squeak, I wonders? "Don't you be a fool, Jane," says the Henry feller. Around she comes three hull inches, that there chair, and nary a squeak. "A fool?" asts Jane, and laughs.

I made his acquaintance, and he willingly consented to show me over the works in which he was engaged, which were intended to supply Cadiz with water. In England water is to be had too easily to be estimated at its proper value. At Cadiz it is a marketable commodity. Even the parrots there squeak "agua."

There were four little silver bells on it, and she hasn't got any janitor's wife now to give it to." Billy laughed softly, but Aunt Hannah had more to say. "You know she isn't going to allow any toys but Teddy bears and woolly lambs, of which, I believe, she has already bought quite an assortment. She says they don't rattle or squeak.