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The sledge, with its contents, was at once sent by order of the Advocate, under guidance of Commissary John Spronsen, to the Receiver-General of the republic. Yet men wagged their beards dismally as they whispered this fresh proof of Barneveld's venality.

The sledge, with its contents, was at once sent by order of the Advocate, under guidance of Commissary John Spronsen, to the Receiver-General of the republic. Yet men wagged their beards dismally as they whispered this fresh proof of Barneveld's venality.

The sledge, with its contents, was at once sent by order of the Advocate, under guidance of Commissary John Spronsen, to the Receiver-General of the republic. Yet men wagged their beards dismally as they whispered this fresh proof of Barneveld's venality.

The sledge, with its contents, was at once sent by order of the Advocate, under guidance of Commissary John Spronsen, to the Receiver-General of the republic. Yet men wagged their beards dismally as they whispered this fresh proof of Barneveld's venality.