United States or Ghana ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He took me at the word, and we had an eye-opening plunge in the spring-cold flood of the swift little river at the mouth of our ravine.

The stranger leaned nearer and said in his most confidential tone: "Say, mister, it's about the best in the United States. Right over yonder in the edge o' the woods a spring-cold as ice Simon-pure water. 'Bout the only thing this land'll raise is water." "This land looks to me about as valuable as so much sheet lightnin' and I guess it can move just about as quick," said Samson.

"Which know you?" she said scornfully; "you are over young to meddle with such like." "This," said Harek. "It works well if the sprain be bathed with spring-cold water, while one says it twice daily: "'Baldur and Woden Went to the woodland; There Baldur's foal fell, Wrenching its foot. "That is how it begins." Then the old woman's eyes sparkled. "Ay; that is good. Learn it me, I pray you.

For the rest, there was the unending charm of the climate and the place; the gorgeous evenings, when sunset and moonrise encircled the horizon in a flame of gold and silver; the spring-cold mornings, with the veldt glowing from violet to purple and crimson; the noonday rest in some deserted farm garden; the bed at nightfall, with the sound of horses munching their corn for a lullaby all the circumstances of simple travel accomplished by the means that nature has provided.