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She'd thought a good deal of the bird when he was alive, an' he was stuffed real handsome, an' settin' on a little green sprig. She use to keep him on her parlor shelf; he was jest the right size. It's a pity your bird is quite so big, ain't it?" "I s'pose he's jest the way he was made," returned Amanda shortly. "Of course he is.

It is woman's nature and wisdom to seek consolation for such afflictions as the deprivation of the beloved one's society, and the almost certainty that he is basking his faithless self in the sunlight of another's eyes. Our heroine, being at once ardent and philosophical, put the lex talionis into force by falling in love with one of her mother's lodgers, a sprig of the legal profession.

One of the men, plucking a sprig of hawthorn from the hedge, asked me to wear it in my hat as the Duke's badge, which I did. He called me "Captain." "Captain," he said. "We had a brush with them already, this morning, along the road here. Two on 'em were killed. They didn't stay for no more." So fighting had begun then, the civil war had taken its first fruits of life.

Natur' meant that season on purpose for courtin'. A little tidy scrumptious lookin' sleigh, a real clipper of a horse, a string of bells as long as a string of inions round his neck, and a sprig on his back, lookin' for all the world like a bunch of apples broke off at gatherin' time, and a sweetheart alongside, all muffled up but her eyes and lips the one lookin' right into you, and the other talkin' right at you is e'enamost enough to drive one ravin' tarin' distracted mad with pleasure, ain't it?

Then close by they draw, without any attempt at perspective, a square enclosure, in which they set down higgledy-piggledy a variety of animals, some of them sufficiently like nature to allow their species to be guessed at. In one corner, perhaps, is a sprig of something intended for a tree, and intimating that all this is supposed to take place in a wood.

"Well," said she, as we walked together away from the golf links, but not towards the house, "what have you to report?" "Report?" I repeated, evasively. "Yes, you promised to do that, and I always expect people to fulfil their promises to me. You came here by the way of the Holly Sprig Inn, didn't you?" I assented. "A very roundabout way," she said.

Then we had a dozen songs on the guitar, gay, sad, and sentimental; then he gave me a sprig of jessamine as a keepsake, and I ripped open my celebrated "running-bag" to get a real for true silver five cents a perfect curiosity in these days which I gave him in exchange, and which he promised to wear on his watch-chain.

Glenn stood over her, pushing a sprig of cedar into her face. "Carley, the day is far spent," he said, gayly. "We want to roll up your bedding. Will you get out of it?" "Hello, Glenn! What time is it?" she replied. "It's nearly six." "What!... Do you expect me to get up at that ungodly hour?" "We're all up. Flo's eating breakfast. It's going to be a bad day, I'm afraid.

It appeared that she had promised to write her tame parson about it, and send him a sprig for planting; and she was much disappointed when she heard that the "original thorn," Joseph of Arimathea's blossoming staff, had been destroyed centuries ago on Weary-All Hill, where the saintly band rested on the way to Glastonbury.

She firmly and determinedly banished all thought of Michael from her mind, and hardly ever went into the garden summer-house because, when she did, she saw him too plainly standing there in his white flannels, with the sprig of her lavender in his coat and his bold blue eyes looking up at her with their horribly powerful charm.