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I also saw near the top of the mountain among some scattering pine a blue bird about the size of the common robbin. it's action and form is somewhat that of the jay bird and never rests long in any one position but constantly flying or hoping from sprey to sprey.

I should have returned from hence but hearing a tremendious roaring above me I continued my rout across the point of a hill a few hundred yards further and was again presented by one of the most beatifull objects in nature, a cascade of about fifty feet perpendicular streching at rightangles across the river from side to side to the distance of at least a quarter of a mile. here the river pitches over a shelving rock, with an edge as regular and as streight as if formed by art, without a nich or brake in it; the water decends in one even and uninterupted sheet to the bottom wher dashing against the rocky bottom rises into foaming billows of great hight and rappidly glides away, hising flashing and sparkling as it departs the sprey rises from one extremity to the other to 50 f.

"You'm grown out of all knowledge," Nicholls declared, "but I mind you now. So you've been in London all these years?" "I've been in London," Tavernake admitted, "and I think, of the two, that Sprey-by-the-Sea is the better place." "Sprey is well enough," the boat-builder confessed, "well enough for a man who isn't set on change." "Change," Tavernake asserted, grimly, "is an overrated joy.