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A jeweler's window holds square blobs of emeralds, on velvet, and perhaps a gold mesh bag, sprawling limp and invertebrate, or a diamond and platinum la valliere, chastely barbaric. There you have the west side. But just across the street the walk is as deserted as though a pestilence lurked there.

Inscriptions in every variety of sprawling hand testified to the undying love of Conchita, Dolores, Manuela, and a dozen others, for their all-beautiful Margarita, to part from whom was death. If this were literally true, the youthful population of Cuba must have been sensibly diminished by Rita's departure.

Sprawling there among the black pebbles it looked like a huge spider. One by one the last stones were lifted away, and the thing was left bare, and then the crowd looked at one another and shivered. "Wonder how he got there," said a woman at length; "somebody must ha' helped him."

The eyes of the women in her vicinity were redder with envy than with liquor and they cursed her shrilly. One of the younger women, carried away by a sudden dictation of femininity, made a dart for the fringed mantle with obvious intent to appropriate it by force. She received a blow in the face from the dauntless owner that sent her sprawling, while the others mingled jeers with their curses.

Immediately the pursuing Wieroos demanded punishment of the jaal-lu who had so grievously maltreated them. Fosh-bal-soj listened to their complaints and then with a sudden sweep of his right hand seized Bradley by the scruff of the neck and hurled him sprawling through the doorway upon the floor of the chamber.

The farm-wife's apron draws a rout Of greedy porkers round about; And eagerly the tender lamb Waits the filled udder of its dam. With plenteous logs the hearth is bright. The household Gods glow in the light, And baby slaves are sprawling round.

Next moment he set them still harder, for Li Ho and the girl picked him up without ceremony and laid him, whitefaced, upon the sprawling sofa. "Why didn't you say you had sciatica?" asked Miss Farr, belligerently. It seemed unnecessary to answer. "I know it is sciatica," she went on, "because I've seen it before. And if you had no more sense than to bathe in that pool you deserve all you've got."

"It's time it's time you were gone," Savka, tossing his head, took up my thought. "What are you sprawling here for? You shameless hussy!" Agafya started, took her head from his knees, glanced at me, and sank down beside him again. "You ought to have gone long ago," I said.

"I think I remember having carried one outside." "Here's the other," called Crazy Jane, who, at that moment, fell over the missing pail and went sprawling in the water. She rose to her feet, dripping, but in great good humor. The two plucky girls set to work bailing. They did not wish to call in their companions to help them, as they believed they could accomplish more by themselves.

The boys looked over the side. As they did so they uttered simultaneous gasps of consternation. The trailing grapnel, for Tom had forgotten to tie it back in place in the excitement, had caught the farmer by the waistband of his overalls and he was being carried skyward by the Wondership, dangling at the end of the anchor rope like some sprawling spider.