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The Scripture-sayings regarding fasting, sexual continence, chastity, crucifying the flesh, etc., are made to stand sponsor for this bastard offspring of the brain of Christian mystics. With excellent discrimination Mosheim has traced the origin of monasticism to the early Christian fathers.

His casual saunter down the quiet street was oddly soothing to his nerves, awoke happy, yet half-sad memories. He had met and loved Carlotta's mother in a country town. The lilacs had been in bloom and the orioles had stood sponsor for his first Sunday call. They had become engaged by the time the asters were out. The next lilac time they had been married.

She has great tact and quickness of perception, great intelligence and amiability and is altogether extremely well-fitted for the ROLE she plays in life. Her husband is charming. . . . They have three children, very lovely. The eldest, Victor, a fine boy of seven years old, Victoria, a girl of four, for whom the Queen was sponsor, and Albert, to whom Prince Albert performed the same office.

My cousin, the Professor of Paleontology, half of whose life was spent in the desert of Egypt digging for papyri in old dust-heaps, was considered the most appropriate person to stand sponsor for me a would-be pioneer of a new civilization in the sub-arctic.

"Certainly, certainly," replied the Colonel. "I am not intimately acquainted with M. Deroulede, but since you stand sponsor, M. le Marquis..." "Oh!" rejoined the Marquis, lightly, "a mere matter of form, you know. M. Deroulede belongs to the entourage of Her Majesty. He is a man of honour. But I am not his sponsor. Marny is my friend, and if you prefer not to..."

"I beg of you " "Olga Tcherny's career in New York is ended. She shall never enter my house, or the house of any of my friends. That play was a lie, written with a motive. She has used me shamefully shamefully made me an accomplice, and placed me in the undesirable position of sponsor for her villainies."

It amounted to a challenge to Irishmen to prove their competence to settle the most sorely-beset difficulty that afflicted their country. Not only were Irishmen invited to settle this particularly Irish question, but they were given what was practically an official assurance that the Unionist Party would sponsor their agreement, within the limits of reason.

Now the neophyte needs the introduction of a trusted sponsor before he can win admission to the club-house of the exclusive Circle of Friends of Humanity; but Lanyard's knock secured him prompt and unquestioned right of way.

At the same time he asked his friend Joel Barlow, then residing in Paris, to prepare a counterblast, for which he declared himself to be "rich in materials." The author of the "Columbiad," however, declined this hazardous commission, possibly because he was unwilling to stand sponsor for the malicious recitals that afterwards saw light in the pages of the "Anas."

"Did you not stand sponsor for some children baptized at Rheims?" "At Troyes I did, and at St. Denis; and I named the boys Charles, in honor of the King, and the girls I named Joan." "Did not women touch their rings to those which you wore?" "Yes, many did, but I did not know their reason for it." "At Rheims was your Standard carried into the church?