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Then remove the N. P., substituting for the sponge-roll the end-sponge cup, and place this upon the spine at the lower part of the neck. Now manipulate with side-sponge cup, P. P., over the trunk generally, from the lower to the upper parts; giving special attention to the spinal column by treating it somewhat more than other parts. Treat the trunk some five to eight minutes.

If the disease be located in the hips or lower limbs, put the feet in warm water with the tin electrode N. P., or place the sponge-roll N. P. at the soles of the feet, and treat with P. P. upon and a little above the affected parts; using such force of current as the patient can bear. The pain will commonly subside under treatment.

Treat chronic rheumatism about three times a week. Use the A D current, moderate force. Give general tonic treatment; then place P. P. with the feet, in a vessel of warm water, or place the sponge-roll P. P. at the soles of the feet, and treat the affected parts a few minutes with N. P., to quicken the absorbents.

Place the sponge-roll N. P. in the hands as before, and, making an electrode P. P. of your own hand, in the manner directed for diagnosis, clasp the nose of the patient between your thumb and finger, moving them up and down along the sides of the nose, and on the nose between the eyes, about five minutes. Repeat the above forms twice or thrice a day.