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Humming a bar of a waltz, I caught Aunt Frank in my arms, and whirled her about the room until she begged for mercy. "Oh, you dear people, I'm so happy!" I cried as I stopped, my cheeks glowing, and, falling all about me, a flood of glistening hair; while the General, whose creed is to wonder at nothing, gazed at me in delighted amazement. "You splen did creature!" she cried.

The uppermost flower in general bears ten stamens, whilst the next boasts of but eight each. Its capsules are two-beaked, one-celled, and two-valved, the seeds numerous and roundish. It is named from chrysos, 'gold, and splen, 'the spleen. There is another specimen much like this, of which I have spoken, Chrysosplenium alternitifolium; but it is larger, handsomer, and less common.

Why, it arn't half so bad as being up on the main-top gallant yard. "`Fol de rol de-riddle-lol-de-ri." "Don't make that noise, Jem, pray." "Why not, my lad? That's your sort; try all the roots before you trust 'em. I'm getting on splen " Rush! "Jem!" "All right, Mas' Don! Only slipped ten foot of an easy bit to save tumbles." "It isn't true.

Hugh had witnessed something of it before, Phil having been wont to run off at home, "Sal, Sol, Ren et Splen," to the end of the passage, for the admiration of his sisters, and so much to little Harry's amusement, that Susan, however busy she might be, came to listen, and then asked him to say it again, that cook might hear what he learned at school.

Hugh had witnessed something of it before, Phil having been wont to run off at home, "Sal, Sol, Ren et Splen," to the end of the passage, for the admiration of his sisters, and so much to little Harry's amusement, that Susan, however busy she might be, came to listen, and then asked him to say it again, that cook might hear what he learned at school.

It is well worth it, and it may be long before you see another like it." "Like like it, like this! By the beard of Father Moses, I should think not I should think I should oh, beautiful glor glorious splendid did splen oh, what a light li light li oh !"

One life for a number of lives the sacrifice of a single aeroplane for a costly dirigible that was an exchange in favor of the Browns. And Etzel had taken an oath in his heart not standing on a café table that he would never let any dirigible that he attacked escape. "Into it! Making sure! Oh, splen O!" cried the artillery commander. A ball of lightning shot forth sheets of flame.

This is, moreover, the heart of the old French monarchy; and as that monarchy was splendid and picturesque, a reflection of the splen- dor still glitters in the current of the Loire. Some of the most striking events of French history have occurred on the banks of that river, and the soil it waters bloomed for a while with the flowering of the Renais- sance.

"What is she going to be?" "Portia " said Daisy. "Isn't that beautiful! " said Nora, with a deep breath. "Oh, what a splendid dress! How rich-looking it is. What a lovely purple. Oh, how beautiful Theresa is in it. Oh! Isn't that splen did?" A very prolonged, though low, breath of admiring wonder testified to the impressive power, upon the children at least, of Theresa's new habiliments.

"What is she going to be?" "Portia " said Daisy. "Isn't that beautiful! " said Nora with a deep breath. "O, what a splen did dress! How rich-looking it is. What a lovely purple. O, how beautiful Theresa is in it. O ! Isn't that splen did?" A very prolonged, though low, breath of admiring wonder testified to the impressive power, upon the children at least, of Theresa's new habiliments.