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Between him and the sea rolling in upon a spit of the land there was of all things! a herd of deer dimly to be witnessed running back and forward on the sand as in some confusion at his approach; at another time the thing should have struck him with amazement, but now he was too busy with his speculation whether Doom should gleam on him or not to study this phenomenon of the frosty winds.

And it seemed to me that after they had spit out their deadly charge they wiped their muzzles with red tongues of flame, satisfied beyond all words or measure with what they had done. We were rising now, as we walked, and getting a better view of the country that lay beyond.

You hear rumours, too, of great impending military scandals God knows whether there be any truth in them or not. In a word, while no Englishman gives up or will ever give up that's all rot the job he has in hand is not going well. He's got to spit on his hands and buckle up his belt two holes tighter yet.

Circe, enrag'd to be so affronted, had recourse to revenge, and calling the grooms that belong'd to the house, made them give me a warming; nor was she satisfi'd with this, but calling all the servant-wenches, and meanest of the house, she made 'em spit upon me.

If you use a roasting oven before the fire, the meat should be similarly prepared by tying in place, and it should be put on the spit carefully; sufficient drippings for basting will flow from it, and it should be seasoned when half done; when entirely done, which will be in fifteen minutes to each pound of meat, the joint should be kept hot until served, but should be served as soon as possible to be good.

Neck and loins require to be carefully jointed before they are put on the spit, that the carver may separate them easily and neatly. The joint should be balanced evenly on the spit, that its motion may be regular, and the fire operate equally on every part; for this purpose cook-holds and balancing skewers are necessary.

And so saying she mended her pace; and passing round the end of the lake, walked out upon the peninsula until she stood under the willow. There was no underwood. The tree stood alone upon the very end of the spit of land, and Truey went close in to its trunk. Here she stopped and looked up among the branches, to ascertain what was causing so much excitement among the birds.

Billy blew this into a flame, and applied it to the wood, which soon kindled into a roaring fire. "Now, then," cried the Bu'ster, "where's the spit? Ah! that's it; here you go; oh dear, how you would yell just now, Mister Grumpy, if you were alive! It's a cruel thought, but I can't help it. There, now, frizzle away, and I'll go clean up my dishes while you are roasting."

He called his wife and said, "Roast me the gold bird, and take care that none of it is lost. I have a fancy to eat it all myself." The bird, however, was no common one, but of so wondrous a kind that whosoever ate its heart and liver found every morning a piece of gold beneath his pillow. The woman made the bird ready, put it on the spit, and let it roast.

It is an interesting fact that all Tewas speak Hopi as well as Tewa, whereas the Hopi have never learned the Tewa language. The Hopi have a legend accounting for this: "When the Hano first came, the Walpi said to them, 'Let us spit in your mouths and you will learn our tongue, and to this the Hano consented.