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Oh, the pure exquisite delight of those moments, and the deep thankfulness also! My heart silently overflowed with both. Basil and Spira were beside themselves with joy. To be brief. We insisted on keeping Spira and the child with us till Nilo's strength was restored; as for Basil, he discovered that he must return to Montenegro that night.

"Such an array of reasons cannot be gainsaid; and, indeed, I shouldn't feel comfortable in leaving you down here with no champion but little Spira, so let us be off at once. Head the van, you see, by crossing this Slough of Despond on friend Basil's back!"

'He would persuade you that God's Word is of no effect, but that it is a vain tale invented by man, and so all that is spoken of Jesus, the Son of God, is but a vain fable.... He says the Scriptures of God are but a tale, and no credit is to be given to them.... Before he troubled you that there is not a Saviour, and now he affirms that ye shall be like to Francis Spira, who denied Christ's doctrine.

Testa depresso-globosa, superne sub-conica, orbicularis, obsolete subangulata, flava seu rufa, spiraliter striata; spira prominens; anfractus 5, planati; basis imperforata; apertura sub-lunata, inferne angulata; peristoma incrassatum, subreflexum, album. Diam. maj. 6, min. 5 1/4, alt. 4 1/2 mill. Under the bark of Mimusops kaukii, in the Two Isles, on the North-East coast of Australia.

And how if thou shouldst come but one quarter of an hour too late? I tell thee, it will cost thee an eternity to bewail thy misery in. Francis Spira can tell thee what it is to stay till the gate of mercy be quite shut; or to run so lazily, that they be shut before thou get within them. What, to be shut out! what, out of heaven!

Mason. 14 'A Relation of the Fearful Estate of Frances Spira. He had been a Protestant, but, for some unworthy motives, became a Papist, and was visited with the most awful compunctions of conscience. A poetical introduction thus describes the guilty wretch: 'Reader, wou'dst see what, may you never feel, Despair, racks, torments, whips of burning steel?

To me his manner was one of almost reverential courtesy; scarcely durst I ask him how he had left Laurie, but while the question was faltering on my tongue, Spira came out with it in round, unvarnished terms, saying, "Is our good Englishman alive? is he better?"

I would not for the world this man should see it; because it might occasion mischief between the most violent spirit, and the most settled brave one in the world, as my cousin's is said to be. Scorn and detest me as they will, I wonder that one line was not sent with it were it but to have more particularly pointed the design of it, in the same generous spirit that sent me the spira.

Behold, the man's the furnace, in whose heart Sin hath created hell; O in each part What flames appear: His thoughts all stings; words, swords; Brimstone his breath; His eyes flames; wishes curses, life a death; A thousand deaths live in him, he not dead; A breathing corpse in living, scalding lead. Fearful Estate of Francis Spira. Ed. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman,

Testa umbilicata, depresso-globosa, subcarinata, solida, radiato striata et subtilissime granulata, flavida; spira late depressa, convexiuscula, apice obtusa; anfractus 6 convexiusculi, ultimo obsolete carinato; apertura lunaris, intus alba; peristoma superne rectum, margine basali margine columellarique sub-reflexis, umbilicus profundus, conspicuus, vix obtectus.