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Flowers of Acacia, leaves of Mimusops, petals of Nymphaea may be cited as instances, and they are as perfectly preserved as the best herbarium-specimens of the present time. The petals and stamens retain their original colors, displaying them as brightly as is consistent with their dry state. Paleontologic evidence points to the same conclusion.

Not far from the village, under the shade of an aged mimusops tree on the outskirts of the wood, we observed a cleared oval space where ten human skulls of former members of the tribe, as we were informed were arranged upon a plank raised on stones a foot or so from the ground. The skulls were mostly old and weather-worn, and some of them had pandanus seeds stuck in the orbits by way of eyes.

Testa depresso-globosa, superne sub-conica, orbicularis, obsolete subangulata, flava seu rufa, spiraliter striata; spira prominens; anfractus 5, planati; basis imperforata; apertura sub-lunata, inferne angulata; peristoma incrassatum, subreflexum, album. Diam. maj. 6, min. 5 1/4, alt. 4 1/2 mill. Under the bark of Mimusops kaukii, in the Two Isles, on the North-East coast of Australia.

Among the trees of the brushes I may mention the Anacardium, or cashew nut, with large red acrid fruit, Mimusops kaukii, often attaining a great size, and a species of Bombax, or silk-cotton tree, from the trunk of one of which the canoe we saw upon the beach was being constructed.

These are small flowers, of the dog's-bane kind, very much resembling each other in shape and smell, highly fragrant, but very different from every product of an English garden. The Bonga Tanjong, or Mimusops Elengi of Linnaeus. This flower is shaped like a star of seven or eight rays, and is about half an inch in diameter: It is of a yellowish colour, and has an agreeable smell.