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Flaharty now reluctantly arose. "It's a trate to hear ye," she said, "but I mus' git troo, and go home. There's a spindlin' lad named Dick nex' door but wan to where I live, that can walk only wid a crutch an' not able to do that lately. He'd be cheered entoirely wid your rhymes an' tales." "O, maybe mother'll take us to see him this afternoon. We'll ask her.

The Henzys are all big sized, and Ann, her ma, could always clean her upper buttery shelves without gittin' up in a chair, reach right up from the floor. But he probable had noble qualities if he wuz spindlin' lookin', or she couldn't adore him as she did. Phila Ann jest worshipped him I could see, and he her, visey versey.

But imagine milds and milds of 'em risin' up thirty feet on each side of the road, and little spindlin' palms, that we envy if growin' two feet high, growin' here to a hundred feet or more, and begonias and geraniums growin' up into tall trees and of every color, tuberoses and magnolias loadin' the air with fragance, the glossy green of the ohia tree with the iaia vine climbing and racing over it all, mingled in with tamarind and oranges and bamboo, and oleanders with their delicious pink and white blossoms.

I heerd him laugh out sudden an' then he kivered his mouth 'ith his long, bony hand an' coughed as I snatched the bonnet frum 'er head an' begun to tear a seam open. She made a grab over his spindlin' legs fer it, but I paid no attention to 'er, pretendin' to be fixin' it. Then the fun begun. I seed 'im lay hold of 'er wrists an' look 'er spank, dab in the eyes, an' 'en he begun to rant.

Because every little ever and anon, thin scraps of talk float in from your cookfire in the yard and there's a heap of it about ropes and lynching, for instance. If he hasn't run away yet, he'd better and I'll tell him so if I see him. Stubby, red-faced, spindlin', thickset, jolly little man, ain't he?

You remember Isaiah, don't you, Crawford? Tall, spindlin' critter, sails cook for Zoeth and me at the house down home. He ain't pretty, but his heart's in the right place. That's kind of strange, too," he added with a chuckle, "when you consider how nigh his shoulder-blades are to the top of his legs."

An' them young fall tur-r-keys air so spindlin' an' delikit they'll be the death o' me yit!" They were so spindling and delicate that they were the death of themselves. She had just buried three, and her heart and her larder were alike an aching void. "Three died ter-day, an' two las' Wednesday!"

Hed their coats 'n' vests off, 'n' sleeves rolled up, 'n' swords ready. See there wus goin' t' be a fight. Hed t' snicker wa'n' no way I c'u'd help it, fer, Judas Priest! I knew dum well they wa'n't a single one of them air Britishers c'u'd stan' 'fore 'im. Thet air mis'able spindlin' devil I tol' ye 'bout feller et hed the women he stud back o' Ray. Hed his hand up luk thet.

I look mighty spindlin' an' puny now, don't I, boss?" inquired the old man, with great apparent earnestness. "Rather." "Well, you des oughter see me git my Affikin up. Dey useter call me er bad nigger long 'fo' de war, an hit looks like ter me dat I gits wuss an' wuss.

"He looks rather spindlin', but then he's bigger than I am, and he might lick me, after all." I desire to say emphatically that Sam was strictly honest, and never for a moment thought of appropriating any of the money to his own use. He felt that as a detective he had been successful, and this made him feel proud and happy. "I may as well go home," he said. "If he's stolen this money from Mr.