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This was more for the sake of giving Dyer a lesson than of actually shirking the work, for a lumber-jack is honest in giving his time when it is paid for. "How's this, men!" cried Dyer sharply; "why aren't you out on the marsh?" No one answered for a minute. Then Baptiste: "He mak' too tam cole for de marsh. Meester Radway he spik dat we kip off dat marsh w'en he mak' cole."

His head was round, his cheeks fat and well-coloured, his lips red and full under a black moustache, and he was regarding us through very thick and half-closed eyelids. Perceiving him to be the proprietor of the high and cosmopolitan mind, we accosted him. "Good-day!" he replied: "I spik English. Been in Amurrica yes." "You have a lovely place here." "Too-quiet!"

Zay say it is a lie, zat he is American citizen; he is an officer who is dessert from ze Italian army. Zay say he just pretend he cannot spik Italian but it is not true. He know ten leven words. They came hurrying up the steps and surrounded him, Mr. Wilder no less shocked than Gustavo himself. 'Arrested as a deserter? It's an outrage! he thundered.

Carara turned the blade against himself, and traced a cross upon his front, whereupon the trainer gurgled and laid protecting hands upon his protruding abdomen. "You spik Spanish?" "No." Glass shook his head. "But you understan' w'at I try to say?" "Yes oh yes I'm hep all right." "And the Senor Fat will r-r-re-member?" "Sure!"

Geoffrey," she demanded, "why did they call you 'Guv'nor', and wherefore 'Sir'?" Ravenslee, in the act of lighting his pipe, had paused for a suitable answer, when Tony, who had remained mute in a corner, stepped forward and spoke: "Say, Geoff, I got-a bit-a more noos. Old-a Finlay-a want-a spik with-a you " "Old Finlay with me?" "Sure.

"Hold you does he need a Sheriff to tell him when to spik?" was Grassette's surly comment. Then he turned to the Governor. "Let us speak in French," he said, in patois. "This rope-twister will not understan'. He is no good I spit at him!" The Governor nodded, and, despite the Sheriff's protest, they spoke in French, Grassette with his eyes intently fixed on the other, eagerly listening.

"A-a-ah! is it that you have zee business with zee people in zee box? A-a-ah! you come spik to zose people? No? Not for that you come? You have no reason for come here, you say? Then, for God's sake, stay centre till you have a reason!" It was an awful lesson, but what delicious acting.

"Good girl Marcile. She loves you, but she is afraid." He tried to say something more, but his tongue refused its office. "Where is she? spik!" commanded Grassette, in a tone of pleading and agony now. Once more the flying spirit came back. A hand made a motion toward his pocket, then lay still.

He filled his pipe and got it going well before he launched on his tale. "My fat'er, Simon Grampierre, he is educate'," he began. "He read in books, he write, he spik Angleys, he spik French, he spik the Cree. We are Cree half-breed. My fat'er's fat'er, my mot'er's fat'er, they white men. We are proud people. We own plenty land. We live in a good house. We are workers.

"I will speak as it please me. Who are you? What do I care? To hang me that is your business; but, for the rest, you spik to me differen'! Who are you? Your father kep' a tavern for thieves, vous savez bien!" It was true that the Sheriff's father had had no savory reputation in the West.