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Dudley put the ring in her hand. "Why ee!" she cried joyously. "Elsie's ring! Oh, I'm so glad!" "Him ba'ad-a monkee!" grinned the man. "Him go up-a, up-a window op'n him go in-a. I see nobodee I pull-a so! Him no come. I pull-a so!" and the man tugged hard on the imaginary cord. "Him come. Him got-a ring-a in leetle han' I no see!

Why, the rag would have the police arrest Edyth arrest her for " "Well," demanded a sharp, aggressively pitched voice, "what for you make-a da blame, eh? Da cops pinch-a Spatola, and for why, eh? Because he's da wop, da Ginney, da Dago and got-a no friends."

We got-a no-a da kids, and she like-a da country, like-a da me." "That's a fine idea," said the banker, turning around quickly. "Where is she now, Tony?" "She in Pittsburgh, wid her brud." "Send for her right away, Tony," said the banker. "All right, Mr. White, but I have no-a da mon." "Oh, that's so, Tony. Well, we'll take care of that."

Anybody's welcome to this knob on my nut. Trouble was I was too heavily armed to fight. Ask me my private opinion and I'd say Mavy's brought his tribe down to bother us. I'm game to butt up against anything that wears boots. But them Indians don't even wear pants not what you'd notice." "Indians got-a you they wear pants, no?" leered Morani. Koppy interrupted what promised to develop into a row.

Geoffrey," she demanded, "why did they call you 'Guv'nor', and wherefore 'Sir'?" Ravenslee, in the act of lighting his pipe, had paused for a suitable answer, when Tony, who had remained mute in a corner, stepped forward and spoke: "Say, Geoff, I got-a bit-a more noos. Old-a Finlay-a want-a spik with-a you " "Old Finlay with me?" "Sure.

"I was thinking of that, too. It isn't fair that your uncle should have all the help on his end. I only wish we knew where we could get a good woman to help her." Tony, who was standing near, was listening closely to what was being said: "Mr. Bob, I have-a no told you that I got-a da wife who live in-a da city, and I know she like-a da come and work for-a your Aunt Bettie.

There were four about half as many as there were in some of the other flats when the item of house rent was lessened for economic reasons; but it covered the ground: the flat was too small for the Gios. The appeal of the signora was unavailing. "You got-a three bambino," she said to the housekeeper, "all four, lika me," counting the number on her fingers.

These were very small, round, and smooth, and with a rather wan blush confessed to more than one of the senses that they had seen better days. He began to pick them up and throw them down one, two, three, four, seven, ten; about half of them were entirely sound. "How many barrel' like this?" "No got-a no more; dass all," said the dealer. He was a Sicilian. "Lame duck," he added.