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'Ye may as well spet upon his grave, for all the good we shall do en by what we lift up, now he's got so far, said Notton, the clarionet man and professed sceptic of the choir. 'But I'm agreed if the rest be.

I ought to have told ye before this, that at Hand your katridge, seize it and bring it with a quick motion to your mouth, bite the top well off, and don't swaller so much of the powder as to make ye hawk and spet instead of attending to your drill. What's that man a-saying of in the rear rank?

'Well, when I found 'twas Sir Blount my spet dried up within my mouth; for neither hedge nor bush were there for refuge against any foul spring 'a might have made at us. ''Twas very curious; but we had likewise a-mentioned his name just afore, in talking of the confirmation that's shortly coming on, said Hezzy. 'Is there soon to be a confirmation? 'Yes.

He got out dazedly, and the driver cracked his whip over the little horse; but Mellin lifted a detaining hand. "A spet," called Lady Mount-Rhyswicke to the driver. "What is it, Mr. Mellin?" "I can't I can't look you in the face," he stammered, his attitude perfectly corroborative of his words. "I would oh, I would kneel in the dust here before you " "Some of the poetry you told me you write?"

An icicle o' spet hung down from the end of every man's clar'net a span long; and as to fingers well, there, if ye'll believe me, we had no fingers at all, to our knowing." "I can well bring back to my mind," said Mr. 'Joseph, I said, says I, 'depend upon't, if so be you have them tooting clar'nets you'll spoil the whole set-out.

Grinham never minded it, but used to spet upon his vinger and christen 'em just as well, 'a said, 'Good Heavens! Send for a workman immediate. What place have I come to! Which was no compliment to us, come to that." "Still, for my part," said old William, "though he's arrayed against us, I like the hearty borussnorus ways of the new pa'son."