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"Ah, but he had the warnin' jist the same, for Weston, it was, told me as how Jackson seed the ship and cried out when he lay there a-dyin'. Bulkheads can't keep sperrits out, sir." "Nor in, either, as I know to my cost," returned the skipper drily. "Your friend Weston is pretty familiar with them, if they come in his way, I fancy! Stuff and nonsense, bo'sun; how can you believe such rubbish?

"It'll be some quiet, dacent fellow, that an't given to chaffing nor too fond of sperrits." "By dad, my darling, and an't that me to a hair's breadth?" "Is it you a dacent, asy boy?" "Shure if it an't me, where's sich a one in the counthry at all?

"Sorrow to your sowl then, mother Mulready; d'ye think I'm so bad already then, that they haven't left me the price of a glass?" and he put three halfpence into the girl's hand. "Oh, Joe," said Brady, "don't be taking your sperrits that way; come over here, like a dacent fellow, and we'll be talking over this."

Teeters thrust himself in the sick man's line of vision and elucidated: "Feller, I'm sorry to tell you you ain't goin' to 'make the grade' they's no possible show fur you an' Mis' Taylor here, who's a personal friend, you might say, of all the leadin' sperrits in the Sperrit World, has come to kind of prepare you " Mullendore's lips moved with an effort: "There ain't nothin' after this."

"Wal, not more'n thar was afore," said Zac, slowly; "on'y it seems more resky to me here, jest now, settin' here this way, inactive like; p'aps it's the fog that's had a kin' o' depressin' effect on my sperrits; it's often so. Or mebbe it's the effect of the continooal hearin' of that darned frog-eatin' French lingo that you go on a jabberin' with the priest thar.

Why, he come down to the shore 'fore daylight, an' looked off over the pond to where his ole frien's was a-fishin'. Ye see they 'd gone out jest to quiet their minds an' keep up their sperrits; ther 's nothin' like fishin' for that, ye know, an' they 'd ben in a heap o' trubble.

Mole," and he would draw himself up to his full height, "you have been surely indulging in strong waters." "No, sar; no, Ikey Mole, not dis gal, sar. You lose your legs continual and your head too, sar, with strong waters sperrits, sar, sperrits." Poor Mole, he was no match for her, and could only turn for consolation to where he had ever thought to drown dull care. The bottle. Mrs.

We arranged previously that he should not sit at the table, but on one side, and give me a secret signal when he was silently pronouncing the exorcism. He did so; and certainly all manifestations at once ceased, though we had been in full converse with the invisibles a moment before. Old Mrs. M. had to announce with much chagrin, "The sperrits is gone!"

I'm fain th' lads gave thee a cheer to keep thy sperrits up we'se drink thy health jest now. I've cotched thee at last thou sees! This here's fifty-three times as I've walked. Fifty-three times!" raising his voice to a bellow "I'm th' owdest member, now, as how 'tis.

"Well, that's unfort'nate appears as if killing parties was a waste of time. Howsomever, sperrits don't reckon for much, by what I've seen. I'll chance it with the sperrits, Jim. And now you've spoke up free, and I'll take it kind if you'd step down into that there cabin and get me a well, a shiver my timbers! I can't hit the name on't.