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The Sperms live in warm places; but to us the torrid zone is like a sea of fire, and we don't pass it. Our cousins do; and go to the East Indies by way of the North Pole, which is more than your famous Parrys and Franklins could do." "I don't know about that; but I'd like to hear what you eat, and how you live, and why you came here," said Freddy, who thought the whale rather inclined to boast.

But the beginning of the cruise had been fortunate, and the whales had not entirely forsaken the Atlantic despite the grumbling of the crew. We killed two small humpedbacks within the week and then came upon sperms again. At daybreak the lookout hailed and the sea seemed fairly alive with them.

All our branches are famous in one way or another. Fin-backs, sperms, and rights are the largest; then come the norwhals, the dolphins, and porpoises, which last, I dare say, you've seen." "Yes: but tell me about the big ones, please. Which were you?" cried Freddy. "I was a Right whale, from Greenland.

I've sometimes thought that's the reason we are blue." "Perhaps, as you have no teeth, you don't chew your food enough, and so have dyspepsia, like an old gentleman I know," said Freddy. "That's not the reason; my cousins, the Sperms, have teeth, and dyspepsia also." "Are they blue?" "No, black and white. But I was going to tell you my troubles.

There still remains the difficulty of explaining why the male gametocytes after reduction develop into similar sperms, with their heads and long flagella, although half of them possess one X chromosome each and the other half none.

Inside of five minutes after the first hail the whales spouting from one end of the skyline to the other. We had run into the biggest herd of sperms that the oldest whaleman on the Scarboro had ever seen. Maybe we didn't feel excited! At such times as this one forgets the "grind." There was both money and excitement ahead of us.

'The stage won't, Miss Hazel, said Mrs. Saddler, earnestly. 'And Gotham says it's only a question of time whether we can catch it now. Something in these last words had an arousing power, for the girl laughed out. 'Mrs. Saddler, how can one wake up, with the certainty of seeing a tallow candle? 'Dear me, said Mrs. Saddler hurrying to light two tall sperms, 'if that's all, Miss Hazel

But since these qualities segregate in the reduction divisions, how is it that the male quality in the f ovum does not make it a sperm? We are asked to conceive a quality, or the absence of a factor, in an ovum which is incapable of causing that ovum to be a sperm, but which, when segregated in the gametes descended from that ovum, causes them all to be sperms.

There were fifteen harpoons in him: he chewed up a boat, pitched several men overboard, and damaged the vessel, before they killed him. Ah! he was a father to be proud of." Freddy sat respectfully silent for a few minutes, as the old bone seemed to feel a great deal on the subject. Presently he went on again: "The Sperms live in herds; but the Rights go in pairs, and are very fond of one another.

Hundreds of thousands of these are shed into the water at the breeding season by the male frog. One is enough to fertilise the egg. The sperm-cells swim in the water, and are chemically attracted by the eggs. As there are so many sperms, one of them is sure to reach each black egg-sphere.