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Shocking tragedy at the West-end! Orful murder! 'Ere y'are! Spechul Globe! Pall Mall, extry speshul!" A weird tremor broke over me. I walked down into the street and bought a paper. There it stared me in the face on the middle page: "Tragedy at Campden Hill: Well-known Barrister Murders his Wife. Sensational Details." I looked closer and read. It was as I feared. The Le Geyts!

Wreck of the Everest! Fearful loss of life! Full partic'lars and list of the saved! Spechul!"

I reckon they knowed you's a gonter be the belle er the ball wheresomever it air an' that's the reason they done brung you a spechul invite." The old men of the town met on the Rye House porch after supper that night to report progress. "Everything's goin' fine," was the general report. "Not an out-and-out refusal yet." "Came mighty near not getting Miss Judith," said Colonel Crutcher.

But, mercy me!" concluded Twitt ruminatingly, "I've seen orful queer things bred out of ashes! beetles an' sich like reptiles, an' I wouldn't much care to see the spechul stock as raises itself from the burnt bits of a liar!"

But long before that the wireless operators had been busily engaged in transmitting the intelligence of the disaster to the two hemispheres; and by the time that the ships were dipping their ensigns to each other in farewell the newsboys of Europe and America were charging through the streets of hundreds of cities and towns, yelling in a dozen different languages, "Spechul edition!