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"Well, do you think Ravick's gotten onto Murell yet?" Oscar said. "We kept that a pretty close secret. Joe and I knew about him, and so did the Mahatma and Nip Spazoni and Corkscrew Finnegan, and that was all." "I didn't even tell Tom, here, till the Peenemünde got into radio range," Joe Kivelson said. "Then I only told him and Ramón and Abdullah and Abe and Hans Cronje."

So wherever you find spaghetti, you can count on finding a monster or two." "How's the weather?" Joe was asking. "Good enough, now. It was almost full dark when we finished the cutting-up. It was raining; in fifty or sixty hours it ought to be getting pretty bad." Spazoni pointed on the map. "Here's about where I think you ought to try, Joe."

Nip Spazoni was nearest, and he cruised around and picked up the locator signal and found the wreck, with the boat berth blown open and the boat gone. Then everybody started looking for us." Feinberg was saying that he'd call the other ships and alert them.

Nip Spazoni got a pencil and a pad of paper and began drawing a plan. "This is Second Level Down," he said. "We have a car here, with a couple of men in it. It's watching this approach here. And we have a ship's boat, over here, with three men in it, and a 7-mm machine gun. And another car no, a jeep, here. Now, up on the First Level Down, we have two ships' boats, one here, and one here.

"That was what Nip Spazoni thought when he looked at the ship. Well, after that he talked to your father and to me, and then your father began calling and we heard from Nip." You could see that it absolutely hurt Joe Kivelson to have to owe his life to Bish Ware. "Well, it's lucky anybody listened to him," he grudged. "I wouldn't have."

"The condition of the hull looked very much like the effect of a charge of high explosive exploding in the engine room," I finished. "We got some views of it, transmitted in by Captain Spazoni, of the Bulldog," he said. "Captain Courtland, of the Spaceport Police, has expressed the opinion that it could hardly be anything but a small demolition bomb. Would you say accident can be ruled out?"

Nip Spazoni reported boarding the Javelin, and then went searching the area where he thought you'd been hunting, picked up your locator signal, and found the Javelin on the bottom with her bow blown out and the boat berth open and the boat gone. We all figured you'd head south with the boat, and that's where we went to look."

Nip Spazoni and another man climbed out with life lines fast to their belts and crawled along our upper deck, catching life lines that were thrown out to them and snapping onto them before casting loose the ones from their boat. Somebody at the lock under the conning tower hauled them in.

"Bulldog, Nip Spazoni," Joe told me. "Nip's bringing my saloon fighter aboard, and he wants to meet Mr. Murell." I remembered that the man who had roughed up the Ravick goon in Martian Joe's had made his getaway from town in the Bulldog.

I'm in contact with the vehicles on guard at the approaches; I'll call them now." I relayed that. The others nodded. "Nip Spazoni and a few others are bringing men and guns up from the docks and putting a cordon around the place on the Main City Level," Oscar said. "Your father will probably be hearing that they're moving into position now." He had.