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The result is that the young lobsters have to eat each other, which they do with a cheerful mind, if they are not at once liberated. When they have reached their fifth month they go to the bottom and "settle down" in the literal sense to the serious life of lobsters. I believe no one ever saw trout spawning in the Thames, though there are plenty of shallows where they might do so.

Saturday, September 26th. Temp. 28 degrees. Wind N.E. Rain in early morning, cold wind, warming in late P.M. Clear at mid-day. Dried blankets. Travelled over our old course to our "long-lake- that-looks-like-a-river." Shot a large duck's head off with rifle. Had hopes of a few fish at place where we found them spawning on our westward way, but was fearful of the cold.

This latter is one of the principal trout spawning streams of Tahoe, and to prevent fishermen from catching the fish that seek the stream at the spawning season the Fish Commissioners have placed a buoy out in the Lake, some twenty-five hundred feet away, within which bound it is illegal to catch fish.

Millions of 'em come up from out of the sea at spawning time, and they swim up and up till the rivers get narrower and shallower, and all those behind keep pushing the first ones on till thousands die on the banks, and get eaten by the wolves and coyotes that come down then to the banks along with eagles and hawks and birds like them."

If this was Shelley's original meaning, he probably observed after a while that the words 'as they go' seem to follow on with 'they fawn, and not with 'the proud feet'; and, in order to remove the ambiguity, he substituted the expression 'lying low. +Stanza 29,+ 11. 1-3. Shelley however seems to link them together, as if this spawning were the origin of the life, the brief life, of the insect.

This area is essentially a spawning ground for the cod, which appear to come on the hank from the SE., as they almost invariably, after reaching the ground, move slowly to the N. and W. as spring approaches. This is in the direction of the shoals.

He knew the moods of the Fraser River, the habits of its thronging tenants, as no other man has ever known them before or since. He knew every isle and inlet along the coast, every boulder, the sand-bars, the still pools, the temper of the tides. He knew the spawning grounds, the secret streams that fed the larger rivers, the outlets of rock-bound lakes, the turns and tricks of swirling rapids.

In most cases their failures have been due to one or more of the following causes: Poor spawn, or spawn which has been killed by improper storage. Spawning at a temperature injuriously high. Too much water either at the time of spawning or later. Unfavorable temperature during the growing period.

At these great distances, when the fish have reached the spawning grounds, besides the usual changes of the breeding season, their bodies are covered with bruises on which patches of white fungus develop.

On the coasts of Norway, as he watched the herring during the spawning season, he marveled at the formidable fertility of the sea. From their refuge in the shadowy depths, these fish mount to the surface moved by the message of the spring, desirous of taking their part in the joy of the world. They swim one against another, close, compact, forming strata that subdivide and float out to sea.