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It was only a little larger than the one he had used to come here. It dropped down to the surface of the small planetoid only ten meters from the hidden trapdoor that led to the air lock beneath the surface. He could suddenly hear voices in the earphones of his helmet. Lasser? It's me, Fritz. I got your supplies and good news. The air lock trapdoor opened, and a spacesuited figure came out.

It would soon pass him completely. A spacesuited figure suddenly appeared in the tiny airlock, holding a coil of rope. The rope shot out, well thrown. But it was too short. It would pass within ten feet and might as well have been ten miles for all the good it would do him. Every film he had seen on space seemed to form a mad jumble in his mind, but he seized on the first idea he could remember.

Calhoun let it draw nearer, but only a little. He led it away from the fleet of grain ships. He swung his electron telescope on them. He saw a spacesuited figure outside one, safely roped, however. It was easy to guess that someone had meant to return to the Med Ship for orders or to make a report, and found the Med Ship gone. He'd go back inside and turn on a communicator.

Yet he couldn't imagine any of them going to the trouble of following him here. And certainly there could be very little danger from a spacesuited man with a rifle, not to the man who had learned to take Pyrrus on its own terms, and live. "I'm Jason dinAlt," he said. "What do you want me for?" "I've come a long way to find you," the speaker rasped. "Now" the gloved hand pointed "what is THAT?"

As the lock showed clear, the observatory door opened again, and the two spacesuited figures stood face to face. Mike with needle gun raised checked himself in surprise. Then he motioned the other figure into the lock. "And just what are you doing here?" he inquired as the air around them became sufficient to carry his voice. "You might have needed help," answered Dr.

The spacesuited man climbed into it and began strapping down so that the rush of air would not sweep him outward when the other seal was released. Doc had saved one bracky weed. Now he raised it to his lips, fumbling for a light. Everts stepped forward and flipped a lighter. Doc inhaled deeply. Fear was thick in every muscle, and he needed the smoke desperately. Then he caught himself.

He looked at his orange badge and stepped inside, heart pounding so loudly he thought it was an external sound it was an external sound, a step. "Don't move one inch," said a voice in Universal, and Bart froze, trembling. He looked cautiously round. Montano stood there, spacesuited, his head bare, dark contact lenses blurring his eyes.