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Connel took Tom's gun and switched to the neutralizer. He fired twice and the two men rose shakily to their feet. Connel faced them, his eyes burning. "I'm going to say very little to you two space-crawling rats!" snapped Connel. "I'm not going to lock you in the brig; I'm not going to confine you in any manner. But if you make one false move, I'll court-martial you right here and now!

I didn't want to have to make a decision! My father had to make a decision once. As skipper and pilot of the ship he decided to save a crewman's life. He died saving a bum, a no good space-crawling rat!" Tom and Astro sat stupefied at Roger's bitter tirade. He turned away from them and gave a short laugh.

"Why you old space-crawling " Suddenly he looked around the table and saw the laughing faces of Tom, Roger, Astro, and Alfie. "All right," he said, "but between your enlistment and your retirement, I'm going to make you polish every bit of brass on this space wagon, from the radar mast to the exhaust tubes!" Shinny smiled his toothless smile and looked at Tom. "Get the logbook, Tommy," he said.

"What're you two space bums talking about?" "I'll tell you what! He's going to try " Loring suddenly stood up and slapped the shorter spaceman across the mouth. Mason sat down, a dazed look on his face. "You space-crawling rat!" hissed Loring. "You'll do what I tell you to do, see?" "Yeah yeah, sure," bleated Mason. "O.K. Anything you say. Anything." "What is this?" demanded Shinny.