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"He was all black through between us, and we could not see one another; and then he was inside us." "How did you know he was inside you?" "He did me quite different. I felt like bad. I was not Odu any more not the Odu I knew. I wanted to tear Sozo to pieces not really, but like!" He turned and hugged Sozo. "It wasn't me, Sozo," he sobbed. "Really, deep down, it was Odu, loving you always!

"Are the rivers the glad of the princess?" asked Luva. "They are not her juice, for they are not red!" "They are the juice inside the juice," answered Mara. Odu put one finger to his eye, looked at it, and shook his head. "Princess will not bite now!" said Luva. "No; she will never do that again," replied Mara. " But now we must take her nearer home." "Is that a nest?" asked Sozo.

He would say nothing of the thyme and thousand fragrant herbs which carpeted Hymettus; he would hear nothing of the hum of its bees, nor take much account of the rare flavor of its honey, since Sozo and Minorca were sufficient for the English demand.

I would have stopped, but I never thought of it until I was out of the gate among the grass. Then I knew that I had run away from a shadow that wanted to be me and wasn't, and that I was the Odu that loved Sozo. It was the shadow that got into me, and hated him from inside me; it was not my own self me! And now I know that I ought not to have run away!