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Proceedings began with the "mata-bicho" de rigueur, the inevitable preliminary and conclusion of all life-business between birth and burial. Similarly the Fulas of the Windward coast, who as strict Moslem will not drink fermented liquors, hold a cup of rum to be the sovereignest thing in the world for taenia.

Save thy dirhams and deem them the sovereignest salve for the wounds of the world. And here again I have heard that one of the poets said: When fails my wealth no friend will deign befriend: * When wealth abounds all friends their friendship tender: How many friends lent aid my wealth to spend; * But friends to lack of wealth no friendship render.

I devoted myself more to my mother, and interested myself in the poor and sick. Last, not least, I resolved on taking the whole charge of your education, Katy; and of my various specifics, I think I would recommend the training of such an elf as the 'sovereignest remedy' for first love. The luxuriant growth of your character interested, stimulated, kept me perpetually on the alert.

I said to myself that spermaceti was the 'sovereignest thing on earth for an inward wound, and I told myself that he was of 'very soft society, and great showing." She smiled, though she did not know the words he quoted, and assured him that her poor cousin Lord Lovel would not trouble him much in the days that were to come.

He could hardly suppress a groan. A good woman sitting opposite, judging from his pallor that he was ill, leaned over and asked, in a tone of sympathy: "Are you took sick?" "No, ma'am," answered the professor sharply. "You look as if you was goin' to have a fit," continued the sympathizing woman. "Jest take some chamomile tea the first chance you get. It's the sovereignest thing I know of "

Bloomer, editor and proprietor of the Lily, a small paper then in infancy in Syracuse, N.Y., and from her, the dress took its name "the bloomer." Both women believed in their dress, and staunchly advocated it as the sovereignest remedy for all the ills that woman's flesh is heir to.

Give me a kiss now." Of course Emily kissed her; and after that Mrs. Fletcher patted her and petted her, and gave her lozenges, which she declared in private to be "the sovereignest thing on earth" for debilitated nerves. And then it came out by degrees that John Fletcher and his wife and all the little Fletchers were coming to Wharton for the Christmas weeks.

He prescribed nitre, antimony, rhubarb, jalap, and spermaceti, "the sovereignest thing on earth for an inward bruise;" and he also culled herbs and simples in vast variety. He gave some very good advice regarding the conduct of a physician, the latter clause of which might well be heeded to-day. "Nota bene.