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That's the advice of an old salt, an' you'll find it sound, the more you ponder of it. W'en a young feller sails away on the sea of life, let him always go by chart and compass, not forgettin' to take soundin's w'en cruisin' off a bad coast. Keep a sharp lookout to wind'ard, an' mind yer helm that's my advice to you lad, as ye go:

"Oh, no! not the resemblance to Mr. Pearson. I didn't mean that. The resemblance to his more famous namesake. Surely you notice it now." The captain shook his head. "I I'm afraid I'm thick-headed, ma'am," he admitted. "I'm out of soundin's." "But the nose, and his beard, and his manner. Don't they remind you of the English Dickens?" "O-oh!" Captain Elisha inspected the great man with interest.

Now he had decided, or practically decided, to give up the attempt, select some small town or village and try his luck there. East Wellmouth was the one village he knew and remembered with liking. So to East Wellmouth he had come, to, as Captain Obed described it, "take soundin's and size up the fishin' grounds." "So there you are, Captain," he said, in conclusion. "That is why I am here."

"You lay off this blasted chin-chin about me and my schooner!" raged Jarrow. "I've heard enough of it!" "But I'm in soundin's, cap'n. We're bound out in the Nuestra for the island! We're goin " "Git out!" snapped Jarrow, and clumping out into the room, lifted a hairy fist at the old man.

"It came on to blow when we fetched soundin's, an' that kept me standin' by the hawsers, lashed to the capstan, breathin' twixt green seas. I near died o' cauld an' hunger, for the Grotkau towed like a barge, an' Bell howkit her along through or over. It was vara thick up-Channel, too.

"'I can't say jes now, answered Sam; 'matters isn't settled yet: but everything is goin' ahead lively with a stiff breeze, and I guess we'll get into soundin's pretty soon. I only spoke to you to know if you'd be all right when the couple's ready. "'There is nothing the matter with me, said the young man; 'but I would like to know

I reckon we'd better trust to instinc'." He laughed in his beard. "The same sort of instinc' that made that bird drop the fish to give you soundin's of that mud hole." "Providence," said she, "yes you are right." "I believe in strikin' bold," said he, almost as though he were talking to himself. "It's like fighting with a chap, the fellow that does the hittin' without bothering about bein' hit.

He can take in whole shoals of others hisself, tho' at a mouthful. He's a whapper, that's a fact. I call our Minister here 'the Socdolager, for our diplomaters were never known to be hooked once yet, and actilly beat all natur' for knowin' the soundin's, smellin' the bait, givin' the dodge, or rylin' the water; so no soul can see thro' it but themselves.

I guess likely we'll be out of soundin's if we tackle that sink hole you was undertakin' to navigate. Let's try it a little further down." Ellery looked his companion over. "Well," he observed with a smile, "from what I've heard of you, Captain Hammond, I rather guess you could navigate almost any water in this locality and in all sorts of weather." The driver turned in surprise.

Well, even for that I'd undertake to buy consider'ble many dories, and hire fellers to fish from 'em, too. Humph! I guess I'm out of soundin's. When I thought fifteen dollars was a high price for paintin' a view of a house I was slightly mistaken. Next time I'll offer the paintin' feller the house and ask him what he considers a fair boot, besides.