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He knew well enough what he was undertaking the sleepless nights, the endless days, the soul-compelling heaviness of solitude, and the deadly sinking at the heart, all which he should endure daily for sixty days he could not be back before that. He knew it all, for he had suffered it all, during those four and twenty hours on the yacht that followed his first wild speech of love.

The blood-instinct of the race held true. Namgay Doola drew the curtain across the recess. Angelus was over. 'Thus my father sang. There was much more, but I have forgotten, and I do not know the purport of these words, but it may be that the God will understand. I am not of this people, and I will not pay revenue. 'And why? Again that soul-compelling grin.

Or, harder still to believe, were these soul-compelling tones, these evidences of grief, this pathetic yielding to the rights of the law in face of the heart's natural shrinking from disclosures sacred as they were tragic were these the medium by which she sought to mislead justice and to conceal truth?

The blood-instinct of the race held true. Namgay Doola drew the curtain across the recess. Angelus was over. 'Thus my father sang. There was much more, but I have forgotten, and I do not know the purport of these words, but it may be that the God will understand. I am not of this people, and I will not pay revenue. 'And why? Again that soul-compelling grin.

When such a Pan-Hellenic meeting occurred, Mr. Cuyler rose to his highest triumphs. It was perhaps a frame celluloid goods factory in Long Island City, which some soul-compelling voice had just finished describing, accoutering the grisly thing in all the garments of verbal glory.

In so far as it lacks this 'soul-compelling power, it may be said, not unfairly, to fail of its own artistic purpose. One further question, however, inevitably presents itself when we have to consider such a work as Lycidas, a work, that is, in which art has attained the highest perfection in one particular kind.